Icon sizes on the homey mobile app (android)

Some time ago the sizes in the android homey app were just a bit smaller fitting 4 or 5 icon columns on my screen. now I only get three, which takes way more space and reduces the overall visibility.

Is there a way to set the size of icons in the homey app so I can fit more on the screen? would be great if that is user selectable. While we are at is, it I would also like to fit more text in a tile (as some names of tiles are a bit longer). any way to do that?

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There’s been a whole thread on Slack about this: Slack

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but whatever the change in size font/display the app now only displays 3 tiles/row.
This drives mme nut since I have to scroll and scroll in order to access my devices.
I really hope Athom will make the number of tiles/row configurable

Indeed… Nuts…

As Bouke already answered you on Slack, it depends on the device screen resolution. Not the physical resolution of the display, but the resolution available/useable for apps.

I think a variable size would cause other issues like wrong icon size, wrong text size, overlapping text etc. Not easy to handle if you have a lot of resolution and text size variants.

Maybe for the text size, but not the icons. As mentioned I used to have 3 columns, then I have 4 for a month maybe 2 and now back to 3.

I did not however change anything on the screen, display or text size…

Any idea what’s happening? Anybody else had the same?

Here it was 4 (forget the blue circle, this was by chance the only screenshot I could still find and was already edited)

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As I showed to Harwin Borger on slack, I have more than the minimum required screen resolution for the app (ie 560 while the min is 512) and it does no longer work though I enjoyed having 4 tiles until the last update without any problem.
Those tiles are really huge and should be shrunk by half imho

In tried the different resolutions on my S23ultra and get also only 3 columns independent of screen/app resolution. Screenshots are added on Slack.

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Happened for me as well

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for those of us that don’t have access to the slack threads, any indications on if/when more icons might be possible?

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Hi @ricercar & @Patrick_Van_Deursen,

By the end of the week we ship an update to the Beta version of the Mobile App which might influence the amount of device tiles you will see. :crossed_fingers:

We build in a new mechanism which let the device tiles scale based on the set font-size of the mobile. This works both ways: if you have a smaller font, than you see more devices tiles, if you have a larger font you will see less device tiles.

I am curious if this update makes your situation any better. Please let me know! :pray:


Cool! Will feedback when I have it tested!

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Not a nice addition! Normally, I have the text on my iPad set to a large size. Now I’m forced to reduce it because I find the tiles in the Homey Dashboard too large. The size of the tiles should be adjustable individually in the Homey settings.

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I am impatient to try it !
I have been using the web app on my smartphone for months now since I have 5 tiles/row rather than 3 on the regular app

I have still not seen the new beta version. Still on the one from 30 Sept. I am beta tester though

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Hi @Harwin is it correct we have still not seen the updated Beta version? My app is still 9.0.0 from sept 30th.

Aah no worries, will wait on this end, just checking that is was not on my side, and you were waiting on our feedback :wink:

Thanks @Harwin!

Received the new update, and indeed it adapts to
Text size, so great to see more icons per flow. However…

It switches in combinations between text size and screen size
Still only with very small font does it switch to 4 or 5 icons per row

I still get combination that look weird:

Why can we not choose ourselves how many icons we want per row?

Only in a very specific combo of icon size and screen size do I get.

If I go one font size bigger I get

Which as you can see makes 0 sense…