Hunter Hydrawise watering system

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Bij wie kan ik de vraag stellen of link naar de contactpersoon hiervoor of mogelijk is om per zone de bewatering te stoppen?

Does anyone know if it is possible to read the information fields in Hunter Hydrawis app “rainfall yesterday” and “rainfall last week” as a tag or insights?

Hi, I have a problem with the Hunter Hydrawise app in Homey.
I have an irrigation system from Hunter installed, I generated an API key, which I then entered in the settings of the Homey app, but when I try to add the irrigation system to Homey, “Request failed with status code 403” pops up.
Can someone advise.

Did you manage to get it working? I just installed mine and got the same error. After finding your post I realized I needed an APi key and after adding that everything workds fine. I also marked the checkbox status updates.

403 means “forbidden to use server X”, so probably something isn’t right on authentication level.
You can check the key for a changed first character (the result of auto-capital functionality), and for hidden whitespaces.

I had some empty Controller in the app. After deleting it is working now.