Aquaro (Smart Water Monitor) - Kickstarter launching on 22.3.2024

I was searching already for some time for Smart Water Monitor, which I would be able to install into water shaft without need of :

  • plumbing skills
  • without need of external power supply
  • can be installed on pipe not on water meter
  • compatible with Homey :slight_smile: or Home Assistant (existing API)
  • is available in Europe

While there are already some solutions, like Flume App for Homey | Homey (developed by EdvPol :+1:), which was very close to my requirements, unfortunately I can’t install anything on water meter (it’s forbidden in general), during my research I reach to (Aquaro)

They are planning to enter market via Kickstarter and promised to start delivering first pieces just right after end of campaign. While this may fail as any other kickstarter project, you can starting waiting queue already now.

And today I received very interesting information …

  • Aquaro Integrates with Home Assistant
  • added USB-C Charging

Not sure how quickly they can implement this and how long the kickstarter will run, but based on how they communicate, what they are promising, it’s sounds very interesting for me.

Note - I’m not affiliated with my.aquaro in any way
Note 2 - the risks of joining any waiting list or paying anything in advance. You were warned :wink:

Will be great, when/if this will be really existing device, to have Homey integration as well :wink:

Expected shipment AUGUST 2024 !!!

Please Note: A charging cable is not included in the standard order. The charging cable is available as an add-on with every order or you can use your own to minimize waste.

Additional info : Aquaro (Smart Water Monitor) - Kickstarter launching on 22.3.2024 - #8 by Sharkys

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Read the story

2024 plans

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Will this be integrated with Homey app?
LE: I reserved one! We’ll see how it goes.

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Well, if some community developer will take it, yes … not sure if Athom would be joining it “officially”, haven’t asked yet.

But having promised Home Assistant integration now, we might have workaround.
But until then, we first need to wait for the device itself :wink:

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Any idea how that could work, measuring the water flow at the outside of the pipe?

It should be ultrasonic technology which analyses the flows and learn the patterns of use (so it should estimate which kind of activity you performed). I wonder how precise that “AI” pattern estimation would be but that’s just cherry on the cake.

Read somewhere that the ultrasonic sensor will be able to measure ml (yes, ml!) of change/flow. Unfortunately can’t find the place (Facebook, comment from the founder I guess)

That I would be able to add a flow meter without any plumbing is already a big advantage to me.

Some additional interesting information


So seems target was met :wink:


in just few hours

FYI, just in case you did the same mistake like me - today they sent instructions, how to make pledge correctly. So if you are pre-baker, you actually must to pledge 100Euro (and even you do enter credit card info, it’s not being charged yet).


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Interesting “behind the scenes” - explaining how this device actually works, including showcases - Can’t wait till August ! :wink:

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Fantastic (unofficially official :grinning:) news, except of Home Assistant, also Homey integration will be included ! (or at least Aquaro is keen on getting to support in place thanks to interest of you - Homey users !)

Feel free to have them get in touch with the partnerships team via :wink:

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Yep, I already shared your email address so will share the partners one :wink: Anyway, will probably happen later this year but seems they are really committed and keen to make it happen.

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