I have a problem, mainly with the logitech harmony hub and homey but I think it’s more like a general topic. Might be that it already is covered in some topic, didn’t find it with a quick search.
My setup for the harmoney is that I have a virtual device in homey which has on and off actions that trigger flows to do all the magic. I need the virtual device to be able to launch the playstation flow using alexa.
Now I have a second device that can somewhat shut down the device: The harmony remote. But if I start the playstation with alexa > homey flow and then shut it off using the remote, that obviously does not switch the virtual device status back to ‘off’ in homey. So next time I try switching it on with alexa / homey, nothing will happen.
Similar issue with some old radio controlled power switches where I also have the original remote for.
So the general question is, is there some way to sync the state of the virtual device back to homey if switched off from the outside? In case of the harmoney remote, maybe some tricky stuff like having the logitech action triggering a webhook or something like that?