How to set a simple timer reset

Excuse me, but I have the feeling by now that you don’t know what you’re doing or don’t know how these apps work.

This is not the time how long the countdown ran, this is the time in which the flow card was executed. These are completely different things.

Please create the following flow in the WebApp with the Chronograph app and save the flow:

Btw, you can also use 10 sec.
Then open the Homey App on your smartphone and open the settings of the Chronograph App (More → Apps → Chronograph → :gear: → App-Settings). The you will see such a screen:

Now push the play/start button in the WebApp. Then you will see in the Chronograph screen, that a timer starts to count down until its finished:

You have to create another flow with this flow card so that an action can be triggered when the timer has expired:


That’s it.

I recommend that you read the topic relating to the Chronograph App. This topic describes how to create flows:

(I created the description with the Chronograph app because I don’t have the CountDown app installed.)