If you wait a couple of days (?) you can use the new zone feature. Am on stable version myself and the zone feature is still experimental, see https://firmware.athom.com/. But as I have understood there are flow cards for the functionality you’re asking for.
@santa_01, There is some explanation on the app page, but here some extra info
@LvanderRee, Love the timer app! suggestion to update the app page, make it more clear for 1st time users (I remember I had trouble with understanding the 1st time too)
(Add the setting names to the how does it work explanations)
From app page: “Enter the amount of seconds to keep the device on”
You can also add a tag here
Ignore when device is already on/control it anyway
From app page: “You can configure to not activate the device (with the associated off timer), when the device is already on.”
The text between brackets is actually the most important part!
“Ignore when device is already on”:
If the device is already on (not by timer app but by other controllers) it will be ignored.
“control it anyway”:
The device will be controlled, which means:
it will get a new dimmed level based on the timer app card
it will switch Off! After the time set in the timer app card
keep running timer/ set this timer
From app page: “When you have multiple flows, activating the same device, but with different durations, you can also define to set the duration to the current configured time, even when it’s shorter than the time left in the running timer.”
Turn off after time out/ restore to previous state
If the device was controlled when it was already on (so dim level was changed) should the timer app return it to the previous dim level or turn off the device