How to use your ESPHome devices @ Homey → without having to use additional hardware 24/7 (so, no Rpi / mini-pc or anything needed besides your wifi gear)
→ Initial version; feel free to point out the glitches, to suggest improvements, to add info I forgot ←
I’m not into buying mmWave sensors of €85,- and was interested to use my budget mmWave sensors directly with Homey, instead of using HomeAssistant as in-between
This can be achieved by using this Homey ESPhome app, by Baldhor:
First install and run ESPhome itself on your laptop/pc:
Thanks for sharing, jsut a remark, I’m working on an improved user interface for the ESPhome app on Homey. It will fit phone screen (no more scrolling nightmare!) and will allow even more.
You are welcome to help write a user guide when time come
YW. It was my pleasure to document my findings and creating a howto
I’m aware it’s all an ongoing process, no worries. I’d like to help to rewrite it when you’re done redesigning the UI.
And thanks for the nice app!
ESPHome’s BLE proxy isn’t really compatible with Homey, in the sense that it “just” passes back and forth BLE messages. You would need something on the Homey side to interpret those messages, which typically is done with a Homey app that uses the BLE functionality of the Homey SDK. And that SDK has no support for BLE messages coming from anything else than Homey’s own BLE hardware.