How to get a Luxaflex Powerview move from point a to b in 30 minutes?


I have a Luxaflex Powerview Duette Top Down/Bottom Up shade in my bedroom. I want to set it ut so the top moves slowly down and reaches the desired position 30 minutes later so that the light gradually comes in the room. Is there any way to do that?

I hope someone has a nice solution :smiley:

The Chronograph app has a transition-type timer. It allows you to do things in steps. If the shade allows percentage settings it is really easy, if not (because you say up/down), each step of the transition could do: go down, 1 second later stop in every step of the transition, but that would be far less accurate.

The transition timer would be something like:
Start a transition from 1 to 100 in 20 steps during 30 minutes.
Another flow would read: When transition reached a step: change shade position.

If you need more help with the flows, let me know.