How to create my own tiles

There are ways to import apps, tiles, flows and AVD’s that others has created.

But how can I create my own tile to show and behave exactly how I want?

The dashboard of Homey has 3 different layouts which let’s you toggle between how much information to show in each tile you have.

How about to start with a fresh one and bind in the values you need?
This can be only to show a stack of information, like a small dashboaord where you bind in the values you already have from a flow or a device.

This is a Shelly 1 device that shows me 6 different lines of information in 1 tile.

Looking like this on the dashboard:

Looking like this when I click on it:

How can I create this from scratch and is it possible to make these tiles larger?

I don’t know if I understand your needs right, but with the app Device Capabilities you are able to create your own devices/tiles like your samples from scratch.

What’s not possible is to make these tiles larger, because it’s implemented in Homey I guess.


Thank you!

I haven’t testet to make my own tile with that app, just imported from others.
When I do that, by some reason the tile is not changing as it should.

But I could try to do it myself with that app.
Is there a tutorial to how that app works and how to do it yourself?

Please visit the corresponding forum thread, there is explained how to create DC devices. And if you have questions, please ask for help also in this thread.