I want to create a dashboard on an old ipad (IOS 9.3.5), using homeyd.ash (https://apps.athom.com/app/com.swttt.homeydash, beta 0.0.19). Everything works fine when i am in safari. However, when I add the page to my homescreen and then try to login, i cant get past the login screen? I can enter my credentials, it seems to accept it (When i enter a wrong passwords it says “wrong password”), but it reloads the login screen again, completely empty? Does anyone knows whats happening here?
Probably because you are saving the local url to your homescreen, eg. 192.168.0.X/app/com.swttt.homeydash/. Try using the external address of your homey even though you are on your LAN. You can achieve this by going to a network outside the one Homey is logged on, eg. mobile hotspot or another wifi. Then visiting my.athom.com and clicking on your Homey you will get a global address to your Homey: (yourHomeyID).homey.athom.com/. Append “/app/com.swttt.homeydash/” to the end of the URL and you should be good to go!
Should look like this when youre done: https://(yourHomeyID).homey.athom.com/app/com.swttt.homeydash/