Homey unstable / unavailable

Did you contact support desk or you have used Loading... - Form by Asana form ? In first case, they are saying, they will reply within 1-2 weeks and yet they might redirect you to 2nd option and in 2nd case it goes to developer and they will not come back unfortunately. :rofl:
You can also try to raise their attention on SLACK, but no assurance anyway.

It depends, what is size of your smart-home (there is script which you can use for this), how often this happens (every day or 1 time per week ?), do you reboot regularly eg. every day (highly recommended for eg. >45 apps and >150 devices based on my own experience) ?
You may also try to install latest experimental firmware - when enabled in Homey Developer Tools (but beware of the risks…) :zap:

Hard and easy way. Hard way is to do the USB backup, then decompress it eg. using 7ZIP and then eg. looking on /user partition searching for last log in homey-pro.log - but it will be for your own use unfortunately. There is also different way which I would not comment here.
Easy way - implement eg. InfluxDB and monitor CPU and memory utilization (it might gives you higher resolution) - which you can also do using Insights. I have eg. installed sysinternals app and when the free mem reach critical level, I initiate restart prior lock-up.

Sysinternal app will tell you, if the temp is the issue, you can also check on Homey Developer Tools, search for Temp and Throttle.

As Athom support would say - Have fun !

Note : This is just a joke, they are working on fixing the issues but it’s taking time unfortunately

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