Homey pro with homey brigde

please help
I’m considering buying Homey Pro to control my home. will homey pro be connected to the LAN network with a cable, or should homey brigde also be connected to the lan network? There will be no WIFI coverage between homey pro and homey brigde.

and the second question is, if I have Homey Pro, do I have to buy a premium subscription to connect more than 5 devices that will be connected to Homey Pro. Thank you for your help

They must be connected to the same network, doesn’t matter if Homey Pro will be connected via LAN or Wifi.

No need, Homey Pro is not limited in this way

I mean, can Homey Pro with Homey Brigde be connected via LAN, or can Homey Brigde be connected to LAN?

I want to use Homey Pro and Homey Brigde together, does Homey Brigde have a limit of 5 devices if I don’t buy premium?

No, the bridge can only connect to WiFi, the new Homey Pro (early 2023) can only connect to ethernet when an ethernet adapter is used, this same adapter doesn’t work for the bridge, different connector but also not implemented in the bridge’s firmware for OTG on the micro USB (if there is any OTG at all that is).

The 5 device limit is only for Homey in the cloud (without premium), the bridge is just a (additional) device and can be seen as just an Antenna/Router for either Homey in the cloud or Homey Pro (early 2023) and not susceptible to any subscriptions on its own.

so how to connect homey pro with homey brigde or another device that is about 40m away from homey pro but the connection can only be via lan

The connection depends on the protocol used.
Z-Wave the bridge will be a routing device only, so 40 meters is way too far away unless you have routing devices in between to fill this gap.
ZigBee will be in the future a routing device only, so 40 meters is way too far away unless you have routing devices in between to fill this gap.
WiFi/LAN it will be all over your internal network, network also works from LAN to WiFi and the other way around, they are just “regular” network devices.
IR it will be over your internal network, where you can select the bridge or Homey Pro as the device to send from.
433 mHz it will be over your internal network, where you can select the bridge as sender.

So in the end:
Homey Pro ↔ (WiFi) Router
Homey Bridge ↔ WiFi Router
There is no direct connection for WiFi/LAN from the bridge to Homey Pro, everything goes over your own router.

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then can I connect homey pro with homey brigde like this:


and if I want to use Homey Brigde as a routing device, will I have to buy the premium option if I have Homey Pro?

Sure that works if you don’t want to use Z-Wave and/or Zigbee.

As stated before the bridge is just an antenna/routing device for Homey Pro, and not susceptibel to any subscriptions.
The only thing that is susceptible to the premium subscription is Homey (cloud).

Thank you
, but I have one more question

If Homey Brigde will work as a routing device connected to the WiFi network, will I be able to connect ZigBee devices to it? and control them via homey pro?

If you read my previous posts properly then you already knew this answer.
When satellite mode for ZigBee is added to the Bridge in satellite mode (as it currently isn’t there yet) then it will be a routing device only, that means it is pure ZigBee, no WiFi, and 40 meters is way too far unless you fill the gap with other Routing ZigBee devices.

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thanks a lot for the information and your time