Homey-pro time travel to 4 months in the past

Somehow this morning my homey-pro (2019) did a time travel to the past (20 march 2023 2:15). I discovered this while I was watching some temperature insights which was showing a date of 20 march :thinking:. I checked the system date&time in developer screen and is was on 20 march… some devices I checked in the homey app showing new values with update flag of 4 months ago.

After restart of homey, date was correct again.

Based on insights graphs i can see this started at 8:55 this morning, until 10:15 (restart of homey) because of the missing values.

For most app’s not a big deal, but for flow’s based on date & time, and app’s like PowerByTheHour this is no fun….

Did anyone experience the same this morning? Or in the past? Any suggestions on how to prevent or detect this?