Homey Pro Support, faulty units

Well, since mine worked and i wanted to fix the rattling. I put caution to the winds and voided the warranty and took it apart. Its a 4 layer design: top lid-> PCB> diffusion ring-> bottom

I take no responsibility for the instructions below. Do it at your own risk! it will void your warranty!.

  1. Carefully remove the circular rubber pad beneath with the aid of a 0,5mm guitar pick.
  2. Remove the 4 torx screws (T9 bit required)
  3. Turn the unit with right side up, and carefully lift the top straight up, this reveals the PCB.
  4. Lift the PCB off 2-3mm on the opposite side of the power plug, and slide it out.
  5. You should now see a 72 gram metal weight (with a rubber pad facing the pcb), that is supposed to be glued to the center of the bottom cover. They have used a inflexible and brittle green/yellow contact cement, instead of a polymer based glue that they should have used.

So how to fix it?
Clean of the bottom and weight of the old glue ( i used my nail), Reglue with Sikaflex 11fc or similar, make sure you see glue coming out all around the sides of the metal weight, wipe away any excess glue.

I recommend waiting until it dries before reassembly, and check that the weight is properly fastened.