[Homey Pro (Early 2023)] App unsupported list

Hope the ring app wil also being updated to sdk3 and grimas smoke detectors app

Seems as MQTT broker (test version) just got an SDK3 update! Thanks a bunch for your work @scanno

Sorry for being cheeky… but is Location and Presence on your radar as well? I think it’s the one and only properly working (and more importantly, secure) geofencing solution on this platform and it would be a big shortcoming if it is left behind.

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@Hannes85 Location & Presence is not on my radar right now. With this I have a problem and that is I completely rewrote it and I cannot finish the settings page. On my honey it is working fine (I even wrote a settings migration).

I do not have the sources anymore as they were published so long ago. I can publish the sdk2 version as a test version for you to test. If that works fine, I can make a sdk3 version from that.

The rewrite is a good one as it supports nested geofences and a two way athom cloud connection meaning it supports fence publishing and receiving and also friend locations.

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@scanno not sure if this is what you’re looking for, but I’ve forked an app of yours some time ago:

I rather would publish the rewrite because it is way better than what is published now :sweat_smile:.

I have put a lot of effort in the rewrite and going back to the old version would be a shame.

Interesting discussions here. I just hope my apps will work on the new hardware. For me personally I will not buy the new homey just for testing my apps.

As I have not received any donations the last few years, I am also not very motivated nor feel peer pressure to update the apps :joy:


Ah, so you lost the code of your rewrite, misunderstood your there.

Happy to test anything really! If that helps in getting a SDK3 version. Also happy to donate!

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Athom should just provide each serious community developer (with at least x installs) with the latest hardware. That is way cheaper then paying software developers for the actual development and these apps make the value for Athom/Homey.
But then the community apps should be what they are: community development, with optional donations for the effort if an app is worth it for the user.


just updated list above, 2 hours ago soundboard and gallery app updated to SDK3

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Also updated the list: Virtual Devices is in the progress of being updated to SDK3.

Also, the Chronograph SDK3 version is in review by Athom: It passed the test with a couple of users.


Arie, Thx for taking over and updating this app!!


In advance: You’re welcome!

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@Arie_J_Godschalk I see you are very good in converting sdk2 apps to sdk3.
Do you mind to take over the Broadlink app? (I don’t own it, but the developer is not answering for a few years)
I think a lot of users want to use RF/IR, which is a shame Homey didn’t manage to integrate at all

Perhaps, i have already (just a few minutes ago) asked @Emile how to handle these requests, because there are a couple. And indeed, i don’t really mind, i have a real good setup to convert these apps.
But it’ll only be of real help if it can publish it into the App Store and maintained (and the Topics aswell and Issues/sourcecodes).

I am not gonna (just) rewrite Athom Store SDK2 Apps to SDK3 if that means that users need to manually install it from CLI or The Homey Community Store
That would completly miss the purpose of trying to help users migrate to the new Homey Pro’s.

So, we’ll see how we can handle this.


You’re a great helper! But, I’m afraid you’ll get flooded with requests once you start. Maybe a group of developers can get together and fix like the top 10/20 requests, of course with donations. I’m also a heavy user with many apps, of which some probably won’t get updated, like Harmony Hub and FireAngel (my only option since I have to use wired smoke detectors in my new house). Every user has it’s own ‘unmissable’ apps I guess.


Maybe, but depends on how @Emile and @Athom are handeling unsuported Apps.

I already got a request for both apps :stuck_out_tongue:


In Test now: Virtual Device Test App

Updated to SDK 3.
Who wants to test and let me know how it works, because i didn’t have any VD devices.

In Production / Live now: Chronograph App

Updated to SDK3.


Yes! Soundboard is back on the list. Thank you!

I have just helped @ralfvd with (finishing) updating the CountDown App to SDK3.

I am currently testing it myself and have so many use for it, that i will probably find any bugs or mistakes myself pretty fast.

So, it’ll be updated to SDK in Live in a few days i suppose, or at least before the release of Early 2023.


The link to the app is incorrect. It is not working.
I think this will work Countdown App

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