Homey pro and various alarm turning off

My opinion is Homey (or any domotica hub) is not plug & play. You have to get yourself informed to some level to make it work for most of the time & keep your “user level experience” on the positive side.
Wireless technology is far from perfect and can create all kinds of issues at any moment. It depends on many things and on your knowledge. When possible, use cables.

Zigbee 3.0 is a standard, but manufacturers are not obliged to follow it (this way they hope to sell their own zigbee hubs along with their devices, and want you to stick with their brand).
So not every brand or type works flawless together when they have to use an other brand’s router.

Aqara (& Tuya) for instance, is a quite peculiar with following zigbee standards. F.i. my Aqara sensors randomly stopped sending updates when I added some Ikea Tradfri bulbs… replacing them with Lidl zigbee bulbs solved those issues.

(Source Xiaomi RTCGQ11LM control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT)

Also make sure to tune the wifi & zigbee channels!

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