Homey Pro and Google Chromecast on JBL Link Music

I have a speaker (JBL Link Music) that is Google Chromecast compatible and trying to control this from Homey via the Google Chromecast app. All setup and flows seem perfectly fine to set up, but no sound comes through the speakers. Selecting the radio channel and speaker volume works, but no sound unless I press the mute button on the speaker. Has no flow that activates mute, nor does it manually.
Anyone with experience and tips in relation to this?

There should be (un)mute cards, but first try to use a ā€˜Stop castingā€™ card before every ā€˜Cast somethingā€™ card.
Because when I start casting and then send another cast command, it does not respond to that.
Screenshot from 2023-02-10 19-11-21

First put in ā€œstop castingā€ and it didnā€™t help, but ā€œunmuteā€ fixed it! Had overlooked that option. Thank you very much Peter!

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Hi, youā€™re welcome, glad I could help!

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Yes, I do have similar experience, I was even contacting Athom on this but they didnā€™t believe this is the way it works for me (including the delays!)ā€¦ slightly different case but maybe it will give you a hint working for you. Btw I didnā€™t have to do that for any other Chromecast deviceā€¦ (Garden Speaker = JBL)ā€¦

What speakers are You using? I am specially curious about the garden one :slight_smile:

Itā€™s JBL Link Music

Putting your volume down and after 5 seconds up again? Is that to get rid of the cast connection sound?
I know the google mini does that. But trying to find another speaker that doesnā€™t. But after seeing this I get the feeling all chromecast devices behave like this? Can you please confirm?

I canā€™t confirm as I donā€™t have experience with every Chromecast on the market but I would expect this is dictated by Google as such

But is it the case at your jbl device?

Yes,that was the JBL

Ok and did you do that mute and unmute because of the connection sound when casting?

Yes and No - I think I had to implement this also because that only particular JBL Speaker was not playing given MP3. But also to prevent ā€œdongā€ stupid sound, which each Chromecast device make during streaming.