New user intro and a music-streaming question/request

Hi all!
I´ve just recently invested in a homey and a bunch of z-wave, Zigbee and Hue components.
So far, so good I´d say:)

That said, I have only just scratched the surface on this new to me gadget.

Professionally I have spent the last 20 years in the A/V industry, most of the time as a technical manager.
My area of responsibility has been designing and implementing kvm and control solutions for Law enforcement control centers and the same with the oil and gas industry off the coast of Norway.
Here I’ve used mainly Crestron, AMX and some Cue systems over the years.
Hopefully that experience will help somewhat with the learning curve on this new venture for my home-control:)

Well now, enough about that.
What I am not yet able to find a solution for is playing my flow playlist on Deezer, my streaming service of choice, to my Devialet Gold Phantoms using the homey as a go-between.
My HomePod would easily let me control music via iTunes using voice commands, but I will not settle for the likes of Spotify and iTunes music due to quality concerns. With the recent hubbub with Tidal, that leaves pretty much one player, Deezer.
Which I’m really satisfied with by the way.

Now, my Devialet´s are bluetooth and airplay 1 and 2 compatible.
So I kinda figured it must be a way to get that working by telling Siri to launch some flow that activates Deezer-flow playback.
As those of you that have a HomePod will know, Siri denies flatly to launch anything not iTunes directly…

Any of you guys dabbled with something similar?
Would love to hear what you might have come up with to get something like this going!

Other than that, thanks for this forum and all your contributions to it.
invaluable to a newbie like me in getting off the ground with ease:)

A quick snap of my flow collection this far.
Not much, but I´ll be building it up in the coming weeks.!

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As long as the devialet is not support with a homey app you will need to find a workaround to get the audio to your player.
I would suggest to buy a chromecast audio (be quick they are being phassed out)
It has an optical output the can be plugged into your devialet.

Chromecast not only enables audio to pass through the Chromecast Audio unaltered, but also enabled support for sample rates up through 24 bit / 96 kHz.

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@Birnando since the last DOS release of Devialet there is an API implemented. Now there are possibilities to command and read the status of the Phantom’s!!

I’m a happy guy!!!

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So, can this somehow be used to control Phantoms with Homey?

You could control your phantom with html put commands. Action card from the app: “html request” can do this.

Next week I can share some examples.

Awesome, thanks! Any chance we could make them start playing something from Spotify for instance?
And if the delay is not bad, I have been wondering if there is a way to get my speakers to play Text to speech clips instead of Homey (since the speaker is really bad and not that loud).

Only if it is possible to add them as ‘chromecast’ device:

I’ve create some actioncards to control Devialet Phantom. Hopefully its usefull.
The logic action cards are new for me. They could used for HTTP requests.

To change the volume:
Method: POST
URL: http://[IP-DEVIALET]:80/ipcontrol/v1/systems/current/sources/current/soundControl/volume
Header: Content-Type: application/json
Body: {“systemVolume”:35}

To read the volume:
Method: GET
URL: http://[IP-DEVIALET]:80/ipcontrol/v1/systems/current/sources/current/soundControl/volume
Header: Content-Type: application/json

To step UP / DOWN the volume:
Method: POST
URL: http://[IP-DEVIALET]:80/ipcontrol/v1/systems/current/sources/current/soundControl/volumeUp OR volumeDown
Header: Content-Type: application/json


To MUTE / UNMUTE the volume:
Method: POST
URL: http://[IP-DEVIALET]:80/ipcontrol/v1/groups/current/sources/current/playback/mute OR unmute
Header: Content-Type: application/json


To pause / play the current source:
Method: POST
URL: http://[IP-DEVIALET]:80/ipcontrol/v1/groups/current/sources/current/playback/pause OR play
Header: Content-Type: application/json


Thanks! If only Devialet could include Chromecast in a software update, that would have made things so much easier and opened up so many more opportunities!

I can set the volume via action cards, and I can read it using curl and Homey scripts. But how do I read the volume using action cards and write it to a variable? I can execute the GET request but not access the response.

With an advanced flow you could connect the action card with a logica card. Then you could put the volume value into the variable.


I cant find a methode to store the value in a variable with a standaard flow. Maybe someone else has a solution.


Fantastic! That worked great. A tip to others, the Result tag will not be available in the trailing card unless you choose the Logic card that has the tag symbol after the name. The path should be systemVolume, and the value can be retrieved in the next card using the #Result tag.

Thanks for your help. Didn’t think to try out advanced flows.

Today I have find another API document for Diavialet.
Nice to share.

I must say it is very nice and smoothly run.

@KjetilK and @Peter_Kawa
No it is not Peter, because there as a way beter TTS app that supports ANY device with url input:

This App has many voices per language, settings like speed and pitch and volume, and you can use ssml (speech html/xml).

And, with Muziek Url Omzetter App voor Homey | Homey you can send these beter voices even on Homey itself, so you System has one general voice.

See [TUTORIAL] How to make a Great Public Announcement (P.A.) System with any device! for more info.

This works great on f.i. Sonos, but also on my TV’s: all can be send a url which opens and plays (in a browser or app) the speech url.

Does one still need a credit card for Google?
I tried a prepaid card, but it’s refused.

I have not tried it again, but i would guess: yes, you would still need creditcard to register the api.

But it is still free every month.

Do you think it would be possible for someone to make an app for the Devialet Phantom now that Devialet have the API available?

I started a JavaScript course. One goal is to create an app for Devialet. First I have to teach and practice. Maybe, soon. :smiley:

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I’ve started development on a Homey app dedicated to the Devialet devices, and I will post info on the progress in this thread: [APP][Pro] Devialet - starting development

Any help and contributions would of course be highly appreciated!