[Request] Radio Station Widget

It seems there is no Radio Station widget available for Homey.
It could be really cool to add that to a dashboard.
If you know about one that lets you choose stations and will act as a widget for the dashboard, let me know - it would be highly appreciated for my new smarthome.
(for streaming to my built-in Bluesound speakers)

Rogier made it himself with flows widget. Maybe not exactly what you had in mind, but it’s a nice idea

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Great idea - it could be a workaround. Could Rogier maybe share his advanced flow behind one of the Radio flows ?

Hi Jacob,

Although our TV station / Radio station Widget works for us very well I prefer a proper widget made by Athom or Community Dev




If I select a radio station or start Spotify automatically the TV turns OFF. If I select a TV station the smart speaker stops casting. See the ‘Entertaiment’ Widget.

Please translate with Google Lens.

I hope this is helping you. Have fun building it.


Thanks for sharing, Rogier
I get the most of it. Tried to make flows using google cast, using your tips and it works :slight_smile:
The widget you are showing has play/pause and volume control.
I cant find that widget anywhere available for install at my HP - please tell me know how to do that - i mean the music controller widget you have at the top of your screendump



Ok, found the enhanced widget with volume control -but how do you get station info/music info in the title ? It leaves me with “defaul media receiver” text


Jacob Norris

Same here

Thank you very much for the hints. I got it working now.
Curious about the video cast - is it possible to cast a tv picture in the media player also ? just wondering - could be cool

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