Homey Pro 2023 Zigbee Issues

They can’t remove stuff after testing.
I also get random error with my 2023 pro (zigbee Related). Problems i never had on my 2019 (until homey destroyed the zigbee chip in a firmware update).
I have started putting “delays” on lights etc. Or else some of them would not do as told.
They doing the exact same thing as Tesla. Makes a great product, then release a “new better product” (where almost everything is a downgrade). Then they fxxxUp the firmware / software and makes thing shit.
I LOVE my (new…) 2019 homey and Tesla X.
I HATE my 2023 homey and Tesla X.
Frustrating :unamused:

Yeah I actually just returned my homey pro early 2023 after having support attempt to help a basic issue that eventually after a series of email eventually bricked the puck… yeah froze and won’t move out of firmware upgrade mode. Amazon returned it after 45 days when I mentioned the manufacturer couldn’t fix it and they just took it back. I wanted this system to be better than Hubitat which has been my workhorse for years and after a month a a half … it just laid down and shit the bed. Good bye homey, and I’m happily back to Hubitat that I’ve got a whole new sense of appreciation for…, it just works 99.9% of the time. Homey 22.5%, maybe.


Juat curious… What was the “basic” issue? And why do you conclude after one issue (which can have a plausible reason it occurred because you were obviously troubleshooting)) that Hubitat is better than Homey? You could have replaced the defective Homey with a new one and try again…

I have tried a Hubitat (C7) myself, but never replaced Homey with it because it refused to connect and/or stay connected to most of my Xiaomi/Aqara/Miiija devices… And the “manual” driver installation is much more difficult then Homey’s in my opinion.


So my troubles started with the Spotify app not consistently playing a wake up playlist. After 3 days of successful daily wake-ups on the fourth day, yeah it just stopped working. On my end I had all the latest updated apps on the hardware side the latest firmware to the Amazon echo studio. Created a diagnostic for homey tech to sift through and they requested logs… I inquired how do I get those , and Daphnes (homey rep) was radio silence. By the 3rd day of radio silence and me attempting to update all the apps (Alexa and Spotify) to the latest and reinstalling I got the wake up flow to successfully work for two days this time before it stopped… contacted Daphne with a diagnostic and she said developers say nothing wrong on their end. A few days later she says to update firmware and given me direction on how to do that… fine, or so I thought.

As all this was going on I was somewhat fine tuning my Zigbee network and attempting to get my 98 count hue lighting network to react quickly to motion sensing. This is truely where I was perplexed, the fade rates and fade ramping isn’t as smooth / organic as Hubitat… and after trying motion sensor connected directly to homey & hue bridge connected via matter & hue bridge connected honey and a few other iterations nothing was as an instant motion reaction as Hubitat. The matter connection was closets but then the cards are limited in the options for flow programming. Again this is all happening parallel to the Spotify problem. So I finally realize I need to do a homey vs Hubitat lighting showdown to see which motion is reacting 1) organically to fade rates 2) speed in reaction time

It quickly was sad race to realize Hubitat handles Zigbee waaay better honey so that took care of that comparison, next homey and hue connected to matter vs Hubitat … it was a tight race but Hubitat always was just a quicker reaction time and more importantly consistent. I had my doorway contact sensor turn on my patio lights upon opening and every single time for 20 minutes almost the lights were instant on via Hubitat. Homey was good but not consistent, it was like a trying its best but would slip up and delay every once in a while. Believe me I was hoping to get the all under one roof hub and hoping homey would be it but geez Hubitat with its consistency and speed just won. Aesthetics is a whole other topic because Homey has that race beat hands down, but with Hubitat after all the programming is completed you simply walk away and live with house working day in day out.
Homey Re inspired me to have fun with programming because flows are very intuitive and the mind thinks of programming possibilities and it’s easy to accomplish. So I wanted to stay with a homey but back to the Spotify fix.
Daphne finally got back to me and upon her direction I started to upgrade my firmware hoping my flows and saved work to integrate everything would still be there to continue wit… well not so much. I started the process and after watching go half way through the progress something just stalled and the process restarted itself… thinking this was potentially normal I just watched it some more to see that the progress bar pretty much stalled at the same spot it had restated at before.

I of course responded back to Daphne and radio silence for a day.

I gave them fair warning in they wouldn’t help me get this bricked system working I would return it and leave an appropriate review still nothing… not even another responce from them now this is 7 days later.

Called Amazon and they returned the system and Ethernet adapter after 45 days of use, they got the full story and easily extended the return policy to include these items since the manufacturer couldn’t fix it.

That’s it, 45 days of almost liking / loving a hub and then realizing it wasn’t worth the time investment for the end product. To be honest I might give it another try in two years when things are a bit more stable but at this point I’ve got my Hubitat back up and have programmed everything to replicate what homey had done but again… rock solid. 11 days straight of wake up to Spotify playlist in the morning and no issue. And another huge plus is the Zigbee mapping Hubitat has, that is massively helpful to see the Zigbee network.

Also keep in mind all my hue motion sensors and lights and switches are not populating my Hubitat Zigbee network they are all connected via a third party app that is instantly (yes instantly) updating. All my hue devices are on hue bridge and work seamless with Hubitat… including scenes.

I hope that gives you more info. Sorry for the long reply but I had a minute and needed to vent a tad.

Good luck. If I had time to invest more with homey I’d go the mqtt route because that seems quick and clean but a learning curve. Right now I’m in a much simpler albeit almost archaic UI but I know it well and again… it’s reliable.

In April 2023, I switched from HA to HP2019, which worked without any problems. In September I bought HP2023 and from then on it was an eternal struggle to get zigbee, zwave, Matter/Thread, Matter/Wifi working stably. Zwave has been improved, it has been working stably recently. Zigbee is a constant problem with a stable network. Matter/Thread - every day all devices stopped communicating at once, regardless of whether they were connected via AppleTV or directly to Homey. After a maximum of 20 minutes they came back on their own. Matter/Wifi sporadic lack of communication with Homey.
Last week on Wednesday I gave up.
I took out HA, Conbee II, Z-stick Gen5 from the drawer and bought Skyconnect for Matter. On Saturday I moved all devices to HA. Today a week has passed and not a single problem, everything works, nothing falls out, I don’t have to make restarts, repairs, worry about the USB cable or power supply, what channel my Wifi works on, and nonsense about building a stable zigbbe and zwave, because in the case of HP2023 it didn’t help anyway.
What about HP2023? Works as a dashboard for 400 euros.


Since HP2023 works as a dashboard, I added all physical devices to it via the “Home Assistant Community” application and, what’s more funny, ZigBee devices respond faster than when they were directly connected to HP2023.

I think you should look at what channel the wifi and zigbee operate in and take into consideration how crowded the 2g wifi is with your neighbors. My experience with Aqara (Homey and Smartthings) is that it is very sensitive, both interference and self-healing . Because of that I have thrown out all Aqare devices. Hue on the other hand is stable as hell. When wifi and zigbee operate in the same frequency range, cheap zigbee will lose. Keep zigbee and wifi 2g channel as far apart as possible. I have zigbee controllers on channel 11, 15 and 25. And wifi 2g on channel 11 (25, hue). Everything works great. However, I only have two neighbors so the wifi is not crowded. Another experience with Aqara is that it does not communicate in “normal” standard (don’t know how to explain), so the best zigbee router to accept Aqara in the mesh is the Ikea plug.

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I think we all know he should check that first but he’s not providing any info and just keeps ranting.

I have Hue running with it’s own bridge and All Aqara (only battery powered) magnet sensors and IKEA remotes throughout the house on Homey Zigbee.

Here’s an image that shows the wifi/zigbee frequency overlaps.

I had to find out some things aswel, had to ask on the fora and use some work arounds like auto - rebooting several apps at night (to prevent it from crahing after x days) but with that in mind everything is stable as f***…


It has taken forever but at least now there is some sort of statement on the Zigbee issues in the release notes of their 10.3.3 firmware:

Homey Pro (Early 2023) Changelog | Homey

Note: there is currently an issue related to Zigbee in this, and previous firmware versions. Some Zigbee end-devices may experience difficulties reconnecting to Homey Pro after a reboot or firmware update. Also, in some cases Zigbee might become unavailable due to this issue. We are working together with Silicon Labs to resolve this issue as soon as possible. We understand the frustration this may cause and apologize for any inconvenience it may bring to your smart home experience.


I wonder what changed in v1.3.0 that might cause this… :thinking:


Hardly. I explained exactly what’s happening and don’t believe I’ve omitted any info hat anyone has asked for.

What information do you need?

Also, I’ve not been on here for days, it’s other people that have been complaining about having similar issues to mine.

Nice to see though that the issues are confirmed now, as expected, despite all the finger pointing at me. :roll_eyes:

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This isn’t a huge surprise to me, as I said before that the Zigbee was mostly stable until suddenly one day it started playing up, so it appeared to be related to an update on the Homey.

Will be interesting to see what fix they find. Glad they are working on it.

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To be honest, I don’t really have a lot of confidence that this will be fixed any time soon.

Home Assistant discourages using their SkyConnect dongle (which uses the same Zigbee/Thread chip that Homey does) in combined Zigbee/Thread mode unless you have a very small network, and zigbee2mqtt recently released an experimental Ember driver to work around the many issues that it has with the “stock” driver for the same chip.

Hmm, doesn’t sound ideal then. At least they’re aware of the issue now though, which is a start.

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If that is really a genuine question then you obviously have not read any useful reply to your ranting.

I hope this topic can and will be closed because it is running in circles.


Jeez, calm down already. You’ve provided no help whatsoever and just come here to argue. How about you just leave instead of coming in here to look for an argument repeatedly. You clearly have no intention of providing any helpful information like others have.

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Thanks for this. What Ikea plug are you referring to please?

I refer to TRÅDFRI Adapter, 903.561.66.
It might be that that other IKEA devices can be used as well, but I have standardized in Hue for lighting, so no IKEA bulbs have been tested.
I can also confirm that I had an issue a while ago with hp23 and zigbee after update or reboot, where devices where offline for hours. I reported to Athom of course. I can’t remember this to happended in 2024 so my experience is that the issue has been fixed.

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Great stuff, thank you.

I see that Athom has reintroduced problems with zigbee similar to what I experienced previously with hp23, in the later versions. I don’t have issues with 10.3.2, but I will not update until they have fixed it. Of couse I do not have autoupdate enabled.