Homey Pro 2023 vs 2019?

For the people that upgraded to the newest Homey, what is you main benefit compared to the older versions?

I’m debating if I should upgrade my Homey Pro Early 2019 1GB model…

Better and faster zigbee.
Starting of the homey takes just 2min (older homey 10min)
Can handle more apps
Working IR
Lan connector

Is your current Homey running fine, having no stability issues, no capacity issues, you don’t mind long booting times, you don’t have any issues with backup and some of your apps are still on SDK2 ? Also you don’t need Matter or Thread, you don’t like design and modern stuff - then there is no real benefit on upgrading, at least not at this moment.

Thinking about MAIN benefit for me, it’s clearly the speed for medium to large sized smarthome (50 apps, 200 devices, 600 flows…) - eg. I was really tired waiting my old Homey booting 15-20 minutes.

There are still some disadvantages though mostly for bigger smarthomes, but I’m sure that Athom will improve it :soon:

Since improved boot times seem to matter: how often do you need to reboot HP2023 compared to HP2019?


:rofl: …I know what you mean but it’s not about booting time only, it’s also about overall speed as such - quicker and more responsive Zigbee (when it works), quicker and faster ZWave (when it works), etc.

Simply any troubleshooting, changes, backups and normal operations - everything is quicker compared to HP19.

Still, let me quote myself :

Thanks for the replies. And how is the speed of opening the app and loading the devices etc? I feel it is slow now…

Getting Zigbee devices ‘ready’ on HP19, eg. in case of Tyua/Aqara was a real pain - now it’s like almost not noticeable after restart.

I’m running HP2023 besides my Homey 2019 for a while now. HP2023 is a bit of a disappointment to me actually. The way it functions now, i’d rather have the software running on my VMware instead of the black box with not configurable screensaver.

I find it working slower on KAKU and Shelly, the color of the ring is not configurable and more and more devices require a bridge anyway. My fusebox cabinet looks like an exploded SER rack by all bridges that are tucked in.

Also, with the community app store disabled, i mis a lot of functionality that the earlier homey did have.

The functionality that i mis (and didn’t find a good workaround for):

  • Configurable LED ring screensaver
  • Homey Speech
  • Missing the community app store
  • Performance on KAKU
  • Performance on Shelly
  • More and more bridges of devices are needed (this was already ongoing for the H2019)

It is actually but stupidly limited, eg. 10 sec max duration

This is well known, use Smart speaker (yes, I was also HP19 speaker user)

New developer promised new store…3 months ago, it has nothing to do with Athom/Homey actually

Pls. report that to Athom via Support link

Not sure I understand.

Hi Sharkys,

It’s more that the functionality seems to disappear, the reason i brought Homey was:

  • Make simple tasks that work → this is what Homey still does
  • Eliminate extra bridges by use of implemented Zwave, bluetooth, 433Mhz etc → this is getting less and less, more device require its own bridge these days
  • Led ring functionality → if i can’t determine how to set this up, it is loosing its use.
  • Homey speech → using an echo or google home, it feels like a workaround. I use Apple home pods which complicates it even more and makes it less simple
  • Community App Store is blocked out bij Athom for whatever reason, some communication would be professional, i do blame Atom for this, they let people find out by themselves what the problem was. The new solution is being tested, but i understand as this is not a paid job, that communication is not top priority

I’m running 2 Homey at the moment, 1 for the missing functionality and one that suppose to be better than the first series.

So, it would be nice if there would be an option to run the software in a VM and ditch the hardware. That would probably be a lot cheaper too. That way i can buy workarounds for the ledring and the speech :slight_smile:

From what I can see, Homey Pro has an extensive range of community-created apps. So what’s the problem? What’s missing?

The appstore is a big plus. Loosing it means no hardware upgrade possible due to losing devices and therefore flows. Homey is losing support, 868mhz is also not supported and not all apps are renewed.