Homey Pro 2023, Hue bridge and switching internet provider (internal IP change)

Hi there,

This week we switched internet provider, going from cable to fiber internet. With the switch, we swapped our internet modem and with that the internal ip range from 192.168.178.x to 192.168.1.x.

It took some effort to switch the internal ip for Homey (ethernet connected) and the hue bridge itself, but that all went well. Now I’m confronted with an issue: My Hue app for homey looks for the Hue bridge on the old ip address and there is no way to set a new ip address within the Hue app for Homey. Result: Nothing from Hue works within Homey.

At this moment there are 2 solution available: Switch back my complete internal ip address range to the old standard or remove and reinstall the Hue app for Homey.

Does anybody know a way to change the Hue bridge IP address within the Hue app for Homey? Because that would be the most logical solution.

Thanks in advance!


You can ask Athom, who developed the app: Support | Homey

It seems to me (imho) it seems that switching back to your old IP range seems the most logical.
You can always change the dhcp scope in ypur modem router.

If you have a NAS or other owned router, you also might consider letting that device act as dhcp server.
That way a ISP change will never create such problems again.

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I am not aware that you need to define an IP for the bridge.

Maybe try to add a Hue device to Homey (even if you do not have a new device to add). When you add a device Homey will search for the Hue bridge on the network and ask you to confirm which bridge you want to use.