Homey Image Tags

Hi All,

Quick Question.

I have an original Homey (not the pro or bridge) with issue of not having the option of image tags showing up when creating a flow (push notifications - push image to mobile etc)

Is this a hardware limitation of image tags only working with the Homey Pro or is it an issue I can fix?

Have hard booted hub etc already and even adding gallery app doesn’t show up the image tags (purple icons)

Any suggestions?
I pretty sure I recall being able to use image tags in the past on this Homey.
Latest firmware is installed.


Hi, mostly it’s app problem.
In the device view, the image is directly shown.
In a flow it could make a difference is a local flow tag is used or the tag from the device.

Please describe in detail, what app/device you are using and which tag you select in the flow. Best with some screenshots.

Hi Ronny,

Trying to push any image (Sonos/Google Chromecast/Shield/Plex/Kodi current playing artwork) to Neeo remote and/or mobile.
At the moment in the app (android and iOS) I am not getting any purple image tags when I select the tag icon at the bottom.
Only in the header of the push flow.

Maybe I am going about it wrong and my logic is off…

Use case is to push the current playing artwork to my Neeo remote as track/movie/music is started.

I can’t see a album image in the Sonos tag list. It seems, the Sonos device doesn’t offer the image for use in flows.

Perhaps other Sonos users have an idea. I don’t have one :innocent:

It has a tag, but I can only select it in the (push notifications), send a push image under the top banner and not the tag section down at message.

Would I possibly need to create a logic and update the logic with a flow and then push that image from logic to the neeo?

Push messages are only used to send a message to a mobile app.

The screenshot 2 shows a flow action card for your Neeo? If yes, then you should try to send the image from your Sonos to Neeo using this action card in the then part of your flow. Select the Sonos tag using this small button

That’s the problem. Under that tag button you identified in your photo, no purple image tags show up.

I can only see any purple image tag options under the push notifications. :sob:

Is their a way to clear or refresh the tags apart from hard reset and clear the data on hub?
I have Homey+ for backups.

So it seems the flow parameter is defined as text field (perhaps for a image url). A second parameter for the image is missing.

You can only ask the developer of Neeo app if its possible to extend this flow with a new image parameter.

I think it’s best to ask here:

Or via github:

I get no option in any action flow to tag an image (purple tag) like you pointed to in your photo.

Is their any other apps I can test with to ensure this is not the app/homey before I reach out to developer for neeo?

Do you use image tags in any flows?


I only use image tags from cameras to send them via push message.