Can you please elaborate on the above?
I exported to HA and back to Homey.
Now I can see the “set_energy_cumulative” is TRUE
“energy_cumulative_include” is set to FALSE
How/where can i change this?
Can you please elaborate on the above?
I exported to HA and back to Homey.
Now I can see the “set_energy_cumulative” is TRUE
“energy_cumulative_include” is set to FALSE
How/where can i change this?
After you set the cumulative flag, a new settings appears in device settings (Homey standard).
I think you have to close and re-open settings.
I used an Innr SP-120 with power measuring capabilities to determine the power usage of the connected device. The power usage of the device is a constant value, no spike whatsoever when switching it on.
Having some SP-220 around, which have no power measuring capabilities, I decided to replace the SP-120 with one so I can use the SP-120 with a device with an unpredictable power usage. I added the previously determined power usage in the Power usage when on field and I can now see the actual usage of the device in the Power Usage capability.
Unfortunately there is no Energy capability added after adding the power usage, so this device is not available in the Top Consumers list in Homey Energy.
Can this made available on devices where the Power usage when on field is filled with a usage value so we can see them in our Top Consumers overview?
And a widget for the “Top comsumers” and so on…
@Doekse on my iPhone and iPad when the energy widget is on “Today” and i open the App the next day, it’s on yesterday!
That’s not how it should be I think.
@Doeske, @Paul_Hemels
Same on my Samsung Android phone
Doekse and colleagues are on a holiday break, guys.
You are right @Peter_Kawa.
Luckily I sended it to @doeske instead of Doekse
Yea I noticed it hehehe
Done for now.
All entities are imported from HA, no P1 dongles here.
Can anyone confirm, the battery is not showing as a graph?
(My ‘battery’ is in fact a SWW boiler.)
Kudos to @RonnyW ; his tutorial was a big help!
i have the same M-Bus Port on my Honeywell DM515 Smart Meter. Is there for future an option to add these for Homey Energy?
Does anyone know how to get ‘water’ in the dashboard? It is measured by Iungo but nothing in the dashboard (capability missing?) Created a virtual water meter with the measure_water capability but still nothing in the dashboard. ???
If I’m right Water and Battery capabilities are still on the roadmap
But e.g. here is water in the dashboard…
You’re right! My bad.
The meter_water capability must be present in the device.
And the device must have the cumulative flag. The developer should take a look at the SDK examples for energy settings.
I had the samething with some of my fibaro wall plugs, and fibaro shutter modulles.
The problem was the KWh from the plug!
It shows peak values, that’s why this happens.
See this screenshot:
It’s hard to say that @Kringloper’s issue is the same like yours, because he didn’t showed the Insights of the energy consumption.
But I recognized the same issue like you also with Z-Wave devices some days ago:
Homey Pro (early 2023), Firmware v12.3.0-rc.10.
@Harwin, @Doekse, @bouke, @Robin, I don’t know who is the right person, sorry for that, but could someone please have a look at this? For me it looks like that there are (still) problems with the Z-Wave integration.
Homey Diagnostics Report ID: 4D8BC985
Fibaro App Diagnostics Report ID: 44d8a92f-676e-4906-af88-8397c7a0aca9