Homey Energy — Public Beta Megathread

I have deleted a power by the hour, device that was in the Energy tab.
But it’s still visabel in the energy tab!
Anny idea how to remove it?
Restarting the App doesn’t fix it.

Where can we post bugs? According testflight we should email to
Please report your issues to support@athom.com
But that doesn’t work :wink:

Set the “Exclude from Energy” to No ?


Never mind, if it’s deleted, you can’t set this property :smiley: sorry.

I first did that, but it still didn’t remove.

This z-wave wall plug from Fibaro has the wrong value. (Edit: its a bug in the wall plug)
And if I’m right the total should be 100%?

Tomorrow the PbtH device will be gone from the energy dashboard, because it consumed power today.


@Robin is there a possibility To also read gas and water by the second?

Now you see it per hour period?

Hi @Robin

Could you please respond to my earlier post?

Is the mismatch of the numbers something for Athom to fix or should this be fixed in the apps?
The same for updating the info, I would expect it to refresh realtime and notneeding a force close and restarting of the app.


@Paul_Hemels It can take a couple of hours before it disappears, even a day.

Just a minor observation: in the weekly overview the first two days are both labeled ‘Ma’ (Monday), at least in the Dutch version.

Small visual bug I notice on both iOS and Android.
The flow animation from the battery is flowing in the wrong direction; when the battery is discharging then the flow animation goes towards the battery, and when the battery is charging then the flow animation goes from the battery to the crosspoint.
Homey Pro = 12.3.0-rc.7
iOS / Android =
Battery = Sessy / 2.6.0

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Could this be a rounding issue? Check the real values in insights or the device itself.

I have the Tibber Pulse meter and it shows up in the energy tab. However, the calculated total consumption in the energy tab doesn’t match the consumption from the Pulse device.

I see the same issue here with Tibber Pulse.

“Is the mismatch of the numbers something for Athom to fix or should this be fixed in the apps?”

Yes, that is a rounding issue we will look into.

“The same for updating the info, I would expect it to refresh realtime and notneeding a force close and restarting of the app.”

Yes this is also on our todo list.

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Thanks for letting us know, currently we can’t reproduce this issue but we will keep an eye on it. Does this happen every day for you?

Yes it’s every day. I haven’t seem them match once. How does Homey calculate this?


So i replied earlier on this tread and the answer to my problem ( not seeing all my bulk users ) was that my Innr plugs maybe need an update and there needs to be a threshold before they are showing in the app. Further Innr Sp240 are not good in giving the correct energy data.

I said i was gonna check some things. So i did.
I placed several sp240’s at different bulk users for more than three days and nothing shows. All where different firmwares. The only one who show’s is the one i called “opladers” its one with and extension cord for two iPhone chargers. Not really bulk users i thought but only that one is showing. You can see it below in the pictures.
For the record i have one on my aquarium with a 300w heater a 50 watts pump and led spectrum lighting.30watts a piece and i have three of them.
An other one was placed at my dishwasher. And my laundry washing machine. All are bulk users. But none of them showed up.

Also visible in the picture i have no option to add bulk users. Which i had in the beginning.

I hope someone can help me.

Homey pro is running on FW 12.3.0-rc.7.
I am using the Homey app on an Iphone 15 and a Ipad 6 both running on the latest update.

I do not have any other problems with homey pro. It works fine.

Hi Robin,

I added another meter for solar production and there it’s the same. After adding a new meter, the current meter value is used (or added) as (to) current/daily amount.

Will there be an option to also show the energy tab view in the new dashboards?

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I think that the consumption since midnight is what’s measured by the AMS and read by the Pulse. The calculation in Homey is based on the live watt info from the Pulse. But its not completely live, it updates about every 30sec. If I go to the Tibber app witch updates about every second, I can see the watt fluctuates very much within those 30 seconds that Homey updates. I think that’s why there might be a difference.