Thanks Jeroen, that would be nice! Indeed, in Belgium the Water Meter data is transferred through the DSMR with P1, the same way it is done for the Gas Meter data.
You need to enable Meet totale energieverbruik van het huis
afterwards it should pop-up
My usage seems a bit high:
I’ve just hooked up my Frient P1 dongle, it seems to be able to collect old data, it seems to be able to write old data back to the moment of the latest firmware introducing Homey Energy, great!
The usage when I slide over the graph seems ok, however, the total amount does seem quite a bit off. My Zonneplan app tells me my usage for today is currently 25 kWh, nowhere near the 2MWh Homey reports.
Hi, I can see my production made from fv, but I can’t see nothing about battery storage, is It normal? My huawei inverter and battery are linked in homey with app Solar Edge growath tcp modbus
I have two Fronius inverters. Symo shows the correct value but the other one named Sävare is my hybrid inverter, Fronius Gen24. And the solar production named 1 is my battery.
When my battery discharge it shows as solar production. And that also make the production show wrong values.
For all power measuring devices I have, I also have a PBTH device which makes it easy to get an energy overview. If I understand well these are now redundant with the arrival of the new Energy overview? Or not? The problem I have now is that in the “Top Consumers” section, the physical device itself + the PBTH deriving from it are shown. Is there a way to reduce the clutter? In other words, how can I remove items out of that list? See image to get an idea of the double entries.
Had the same problem with double devices, the physical one and in addition the PBTH device.
You need to set Exclude from energy to Yes for the PBTH devices. However, it took several hours for my PBTH devices to disappear from the energy overview.
Thanks, I did try that but I apparently didn’t have the patience for them to disappear so I thought it was the wrong way and put it back on “Include”
Thanks again!
Same here, following. Also using Solaredge + Growath modbus app.
In this perhaps a HA community app device based on my example for the “old” energy view?
If yes, than change the device class back to “sensor” for your battery in device settings.
Why can’t see my LG Airco as big consumer
I am the developer for BeeClear. I will see if I can still update it under my official beeclear account.
Thank you. Much appreciated!
Thank you all for the feedback so far! We’re actively reading your replies and working hard to improve the Homey Energy feature.
We’ve just released a new beta app version (9.1.0 - build 1641) for iOS and Android with several improvements:
- Added functionality to display top consumers when home consumption is unavailable.
- Fixed various issues with graph formatting.
- Enhanced error messages for energy meters that only support real-time energy usage.
- Updated the calculation logic for the “home” consumption value.
- Resolved a crash when opening the date picker.
- Fixed an issue where the screen would remain active on the energy tab.
- Addressed several problems related to loading states.
Have a great weekend, and we’ll be back next week with more updates and improvements!
@Doekse You can add BeeClear to the supported P1 meters/apps: BeeClear App for Homey | Homey
For our german users: The Grünbeck app is updated to support HomeyEnergy.
What has changed?
- The measure_water capability is now defined as cumulative for SD devides.
How to use?
- If you don’t have a smart water meter, you can now use your SD water softener. The water usage will appear on the Energy view automatically. This way you get a an approximate value of used water. It’s the soft water provided by the devide without the added hard water.
- If you already have a smart water meter, you can exclude this meter value from HomeyEnergy in device settings of your SD device.
The test version of the updated BeeClear apps works with the new Energy tab: [APP][PRO] BeeClear Energiemanager - #34 by SunBeech
Thanks for your quick support!
Hi. Looking forward to this.
Have some questions:
- Is battery supported? I have a sonnen and I am the developer of one of the apps. Will this be supported?
- My Energy-tab shows Solarpanels. Also under “Power ups” it show “advertise” for “Open Best Buy Guide” - I have Steca-grid inverter and I am also the developer of this app.
Maybe I need to update with certain capabilities for full support?