Homey Dashboards — Public Beta Megathread

Only works on Mac’s with Apple Silicon, with those you can install iPad apps from the App Store, including the Homey app.

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I have a problem with Variable I can’t create a variable so I can’t search either, I only get the following event title who can help me

It will be nice if dashboards can be controlled by flows. So by example; open dashboard A on device X when an event happend.


I also like to see conditions for dashboard widgets. By example, only show a media widget when there is media being played.


Would be nice if in the speaker app, we also could what input is playing.
In my Sonos app I only see “unknown artist” when playing TV or a mediaplayer (on HDMI).

Or: perhaps a Sonos widget, @Emile or @Doekse? :wink:


Would it be possible to allow merge some graphs together?
For example, I don´t need separate graphs for each boiler. It would be much better to have only 3 in 1.


I dont get why it is not possible to create the Dashboard from a laptop,
it would be so much easyer.




Tossing in my imediat wishes for further imrovements of the dashboard.

  1. Could we get a live tile that could show live values from a sensor with unit.

  2. Could we get graphs where where we can overlap with other sensors values. Ex electrical consumption vs solar production and battery contribution, temp inside vs outside in the same graph. Preferably with color tresholds, say within this range have color x, outside bounds have color y.

  3. Color tresholds in general for both live tiles and graphs. Could get color codes prices on energy. Would wery much like to reproduce the excellent gui from Tibber on the dashboard

Great work so far!


Perhaps it is allready mentioned somewere, but is it possible to give a user only right to view/use a dashboard and nothing else? That would indirectly give a sort of user rights option. I do like my kids to play with all switches, but some they need to be able to operate.


That is why I use HDashboards and will not use this Homey dashboard. I will not allow everything to everyonr

What would also be a great (and with react native very easy) addition would be the ability to deep link to dashboards in the app. For example to define a shortcut or homescreen link with something like homey://dashboards/93a19ed8-cfc5-4677-9912-e76fa111395e which opens the app and goes directly to a dashboard. Would be great for the iPhone Action button for me.

PS: Also in general please implement deep linking to stuff in the app (e.g. open a specific device or room)


Hi, thanks for great work on the dashboard.

I have noticed that when inserting a web frame, sometimes the frame gets cropped. All information is not displayed properly and it is not the right part of the picture disappearing as one could expect but a column in the center (see attached pic). Does anybody know how to make the web page appear properly?

Looks like this is done by the web page itself, where it will leave out certain information depending on the width of the viewport.

Yes, you are right. It is not possible to force the same behaviour by using a web browser as there seems to be a minimum width defined for the frame. The witdh of the dashboard column is probably below that limit causing the page to leave that information out

On my iPad Mini 2 (2048x1536 pixels) there are now 3 columns. On a Galaxy Tab S3 (also 2048x1536) I only have 2 columns. Both settings changed to smallest font size.

Anyone any suggestions to get 3 columns on the Galaxy Tab?

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘batteries’ of null

Can this version of fully also control my android tablet? In the fully (webpage) kiosk I turn of the screen when the charger is disconnected. I switch off the charger with homey when I go to sleep, and turn it on again in the morning.

In the fully app version I cannot find any settings at all? Am I missing something?

@Nils_Kirkove thank you for reporting, this will be fixed next update!

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You need to use Dashboard controller (app in Homey) for that :slightly_smiling_face:

Not sure what happened but I opened my dashboard on my phone and a lot of widgets were missing.

Whilst my Dashboard has 3 columns and 8 widgets total, only the widgets in the first column were actually rendered.

Force closing the Homey app fixed the issue.