Homey Dashboards — Public Beta Megathread

Great job on the dashboard! I’ve already installed it on the wall and have been testing it out. I have a few suggestions based on my personal experience. I understand that not all requests may align with everyone’s needs, but perhaps you can consider them for future updates:

  • Full screen mode on Android: It would be great to hide the status bars and home buttons for a cleaner look and more space.
  • Tablet display control: It would be helpful to control the display’s on/off status, and possibly even the brightness directly from Homey.
  • Customizable columns: I currently have only two columns, and the widgets appear too large, even after reducing the font size. More flexibility here would be appreciated.
  • Hide titles and edit functions: An option to hide widget titles and the edit function would provide a cleaner interface.
  • Manually closeable push notifications: It would be nice if push notifications could be sent to a dashboard and dismissed manually.
  • Direct dimmer control: A dimmer widget that allows direct dimming without the need to click through would enhance usability.
  • Day-dependent widgets: The ability to display different widgets based on the time of day, or control this via flows, would add a lot of flexibility.
  • Interactive button for columns: A button that, when clicked, moves to the next column and back again when clicked in the new spot—purely to annoy my girlfriend.

Thanks for the great work, and I look forward to seeing where this dashboard goes next!


I have a Samsung Tab S4 hanging on the wall myself. This has a resolution of 2560x1600 and yet I can only fit 2 columns. This is very little. Would prefer this to be 4.


I like the development that’s going one and to have more apps that offering dashboard widgets, thanks to all making this possible.
I would like to have the option to disable the possibility to change variables when click on them in the dashboard view. For me this should even be the default setting.


Very happy with first release of Dashboards. Currently have iPad’s with HA only use as dashboard and to put lights on/off etc. Would be great if I can complete switch to Homey.

Two things I miss and not saw earlier here.

  1. Nice to see for example a temperature but this could be (very) old. The temperature for example in my ‘Kantoor’ is last updated 4 months ago. I want to see that in a dashboard.

  1. I want to show TAGS/Properties of a device. Not only self defined variables.
    Screenshot is from HA


When using web frame, all of the frame is not always filled to the edges

On my android phone there is a very thin white line i the corners. On my iPad there is a white vertical stripe to the right, as illustrated in the picture.

I would like to request support for iFrames. This would allow a lot more of web content to be shown.Like the clock fromTime & Date as, I tried to do here. And there would also be more parameters available to make it look greate.

@Cor_De_Rooij Happy to hear you enjoy dashboards!

For what reason would you like to disable the possibility to edit variables in a dashboard?

Hi @Harwin, is dashboard for the browser on the roadmap?


I use variables in some of my flows, and for those I don’t want a user to change that as he /she don’t know realize this.
For me changing variable in a dashboard makes only sense when this is used to start or influence a flow, but maybe I misunderstood the logic behind the option to change values in a dashboard at all.


Hi Homey guys! Great to finally see a Homey Dashboard being made! Just have a request, if not been answered before. When you add devices in a group and put them on the DB, and you want to remove any of them, is this possible or do you have to delete the whole group and re-add the devices again? This would be great if possible. Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

second all of this - also @homey @Harwin would be cool to see some reactions to great input like this (there is a few on the forum) :wink:

You can already hide the title

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I agree. For wall mounted tablet especially…

Sorry, I ment the top title with the edit function. Didn’t find a way to do that

Hi @LRvdLinden, there is a topic on the forum where Emile gives information on this specific subject:

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Thank you. I had missed that one for a moment.

Hi @Ruud_Boon ,

Thank you for the great feedback!

Full screen mode on Android → it is on our radar.
Tablet display control → This is very complex to build, if it is even possible. There are some third-party apps I believe to control the display of tablet of which you could look into. But believe me, we want this too!
Customizable columns → I am curious about your screen resolution and the reason why you see only two columns. We made adjustments last week so this should be better.
Hide titles and edit functions → This would come together with a full screen modus.
Manually closeable push notifications → For what reason would you want to use this? Might be cool idea for a community app to accomplish this.
Direct dimmer control → Soon :crossed_fingers:
Day-dependent widgets → I think generally targeting a dashboard with flows would be really powerful. We will give it some thought.

Interactive button for columns to annoy your girlfriend → Sure:


Now I go back to work, got the Direct Dimmer Control to build :wink:


Regarding Android tablet display control:

Steps for turning on Dashboard/screen on an Android tablet after motion detection:

  • install MacroDroid app on your Android tablet (one time paid app)
  • Create a Webhook (URL) macro turning on tablet screen; and do the same in a second macro for turing screen off
  • create a Homey advanced flow: when motion sensor becomes active (I use Aqara FP2 sensor because of the separate zones that can be defined), a Logic action starts to make a POST to the MacroDroid Webhook. In my example: after 30 seconds of inactive tablet zone, the screen should turn off.
  • depending on your tablet brand and Android version: experiment with some of the “Turn screen on/off” options.

MacroDroid can do a lot with your Android device if you authorize the app for that option (without jail break). These are the Screen options among a lot of other options (sorry for Dutch screen):

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Using a Galaxy tab S4 (2560 x 1600) I’m also only getting 2 Columns. Will be nice if you can choose yourself how many Columns you want.

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Interessant, maar hoe zet ik daarmee heel het dashboard uit? Als in, scherm van de tablet uitschakelen ('s nachts)?

Excuse, English translation:

Looks interesting, but how do I use this to turn off the dashboard? As in, turn off the screen of the tablet (at night)?

Please englisch