could you share HTML code for the different blocks so it can be re-used?
I’ve problems with the first page of my dashboard. There are four widgets not loading while several widgets on other page with the same content are loading. Sometimes it works but mostly not. Since they’re loading on the background I can’t edit the dashboard. When I move a widget which works well to an other page I get an error.
I’ve 18 columns and 48 widgets on a Lenovo Tab M11 tablet.
For example, the Mini Informatiebalk with the date stamp on picture 2 is also on picture 1 on top of the third column.
Anyone an idea?
Hi Geurti
This look similar to what I see on my Android devices, see here
You have to upload your pictures to it
I see the pictures also.
But i was hopping i could control the music (search albums and play them).
I’m not sure if it is the same problem. Sometimes on a start of the dashboard it goes well, but if I edit something or add an other widget it gets stuck.
It happens mostly on the first page of a board.
It’s a dashboard from the Dashboards app by Marcus Skogsaas. It runs in a browser.
Anyone from the Uk have a weather radar url that works and updates with the web frame widget?
Blows my mind this isn’t here