Request: Sonos widget

It would be nice to have a widget for Sonos that makes it posiple to start music on Sonos groups or perhaps add speakers to currently playing speaker. I often find myself wanting to start music in the entire house from the dashboard but the current music widget is limited in this sence.

We should be able to take advantage of Sonos’ multi room features from our beloved Dashboards.

Remember to upvote if you agree. :slightly_smiling_face:


Why don’t you make a flow that groups speakers and start that flow from the dashboard? No special widget necessary. I manage my speaker groups that way so I don’t need to use the Sonos app to group/ungroup speakers.

It would be nice if it was samething like this in a html page Sonos

Perhaps if there was a embedable web client for Sonos that we could then use in a web-widget. :slightly_smiling_face:

With 9 Sonos speakers its quite some work for a flow, considering you never know which one is the master of the group.

I use a Sonos connect for that, and I can select in my dashboard which speaker I want to add to that group. This works, cause the connect doesnt make any sound.

So for me grouping and having a volume fader for each speaker in the dashboard would be great!

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We had a meeting with Sonos at CES, where we also discussed gaining access to their new search API. If everything moves forward as expected, creating a widget to search for and start music could become a very realistic possibility.


Sounds awesome. :tada:

Most importantly though is the ability to start music on multiple speakers/rooms from the dashboard.

In the Sonos app you can make named groups. Perhaps these can be exposed to Homey to help out with this.

This also something I really want to see!