Homey Cameras

Had some trouble connecting my Neo Coolcam NIP-55. The URL http://192.168.x.x/snapshot.cgi?loginuse=username&loginpas=password worked flawlessly in several browsers, but when using that same URL when adding a camerea it gave me an “Parse Error: Invalid header token” error.

I solved it by creating a snapshot.php page on my (Synology) webserver:

After that I sucsesfully addes the camera by using the PHP page (http://synology/snapshot.php) as the camera URL.

And, as a bonus, the PHP page also works with the Image Grabber! \o/

Hopes it helps someone :slight_smile:


Hi all, I just got my first ever ip camera.
I read a lot and seem to need an url. What kind of name and password do I need? Is it the name and password I log in to the aqara app? Do all cameras have the same kind of url? I know the ip…

I dont think that it possible to get jpeg url from this type of xiaomi camera. Its kind of closed system.

Does this let you see Hikvision cams live video feed from Homey, or just snapshots?

Via homey you can only get snapshots, does not matter which camera you use :wink:


i have the steinel L600 but this link doesn’t work with me. Wich lamp with camera do you use ?

Hi, I have a Lutec Elara. It seems it has the same camera like the Steinel. The app is the same (only other colors).
There was a firmware update for the camera some months ago. The change log included ‘security issue, closed ports’. I think they just closed the http port. I didn’t install it but I think all new lamps won’t support jpeg snaphots anymore.

Oké, thanks for your quick answer. I’m also afraid that I wouldn’t connect with Homey anymore as you said.


Is it possible to use the Ezviz C3W Color Night Vision
Which is on sale now at ibood?


Waarom wil iedereen dat zijn camera aan Homey verbinden? Via de push berichten van de app krijg je toch ook meldingen en foto’s van de camera?

There is no way to save, zoom, forward or look back trough the pictures which are send to the homey app. Pushover or telegram have these options.

I would like to know that too… I am currently using my EZVIZ C6P. Who knows, is it possible to connect the cameras from this manufacturer to Homey?

I’m using a Chinese DVR.

Does anyone know what would be the URL to get a snapshot from one of the channels this DVR has?

Thank you soo much.

The DVR might not even support that feature.
Are your cameras ONVIF compatible?
Have you tried my ONVIF app to see if that will work, either directly with each camera of maybe the DVR?

Hi @Adrian_Rockall
Well your right I don’t know if the dvr support this function or no, but i can’t find much info about it…

Yes I have, i have 3 different models from imou,
all of them Onvif compatible, but only 2 models provide me snapshot’s, one of the models the “imou cue 2” doesn’t detect snapshot feature on your app, only motion alarm, altought it should support snapshot as well i believe, the nvr is for Onvif cameras and it detects and records all 3 different models.
Maybe with manual configuration i might be able to get snapshot in your app from that non working camera as well, but i don’t have much knowledge on this to be able to figure it out :roll_eyes:

What makes you believe that? I’m not disputing it, just trying to get some clues that might help me work out what it should be.

The NVR is will be recording the RTSP data and probably generates snaps shots from that for its own use.

If you add the camera to the ONVIF app and capture the log during start up, you could send that to me so I can investigate.

Is it ok if i add the Camera that does not support snapshot, and sent you a diagnostic report?
Also you can check and compare the ones that are working…

Yep that would be good.


Sent Adrian, thank you.

Could you make sure the logging is set to Full Information and after collecting the start up data, go back to the log screen and use the Send Log button. Unfortunately, the crash report log is very limited in the data I receive.