Homey Bridge Z Wave not available

Hi all,

Just received a Homey bridge and set up my z wave devices (mainly fibaro switch for lights) and was working fine.

Today, the entire z wave network is down and I am also unable to add device as per picture. Is there no way to “reset” the hardware z wave beyond a factory reset?

Z wave being down seems to be an issue looking at other threads.

ps. Firmware 24

Same here…

Same for me as well. I have a Fibaro wall plug and an aeotec energy meter. I lost the connection to the wall plug two weeks ago an yesterday I lost the connection to the energy meter. I have verified the wall plug in a homey pro and it works fine with that setup

Thanks for sharing on your Homey Pro. It is unfortunate and seems like the bridge is not ready yet and it’s been frustrating.

@ All,
Please use the beta feedback too if you want it fixed:

I have reported this issue to Homey through the form

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