Homey 2023 Ethernet Adapter - Stops communicating from time to time

No, you couldn’t use the ethernet adapter with the raspberry adapter is because the cable isn’t removable on the power adapter itself, so you can’t put the short cable of the ethernet adapter into the power adapter.

You can do do it but not the official way😂


I don’t get why I couldn’t use the homey ethernet adapter with a raspberry pi. In fact, doing that now. The hp23 has been running stable on wifi, ever since switching to wifi and removing the ethernet adapter. Now took a spare RPi model B, rev2, put Debian Bullseye, 32bit though, on the sd, and connected the homey ethernet adapter via a usb A to c cable on one of the RPi usb ports. This works just fine, interface comes up and now have an ssh session going, hoping it’ll last. If it’s been up for over 24 hrs, I’ll put something with more load on it. Btw, while the link speed is 1gbps, and it may look like a high speed device on usb c, I believe I read somewhere it’s really just a USB2 device and so the max is 480Mbps. Interestingly enough, lsusb output seems to suggest it’s compatible with superspeed at 5Gbps. Anyways, we don’t even need 480Mbps for these purposes so who cares.

Now, if this RPi config proofs stable, next up would be connecting the ethernet adapter to the hp23 again, but this time, try a different, more powerful power supply, though I’d need one with 5.2V I guess. Or maybe drastically shorten the cable between the hp23 and the ethernet adapter?

When I get my HP23 three weeks before, I connected the ethernet adapter and tryed to setup Wlan during initial setup. The HP23 refused to recognice the the Wlan and I then chose to go with ethernet only. Then the HP23 wnted to install an update but always get a timeout. So I could not finish the installation. After removing the ethernet adapter the installation was no problem.
After finishing the installation I reconnected the adapter and again had always a timeout when trying to load an app from the internet.
The router shows the HP23 connected to the Wlan and also connected to the Lan. But in the Lan section the HP23 was twice. One time with a unique IP and a second time with the same IP as in the Wllan section.
In the end I disconnected the adapter and run the HP23 only with the Wlan connection.

Hmmm… in setup mode you can just turn wifi off.
I’d prefer the LAN adapter

A bit confused here, while you described opposite situations?
No wifi:

Yes wifi:

Curious when Homey recognised your wifi?

I was also surprised that the HP23 get connected to Wlan and before said it can’t connect.
My imagination was the HP23 would use, if both connections are there, first the Lan and if this fails the Wlan.
But what I totaly not understand are the 2 IP adresses in the Lan section of the router if the ethernet adapter is connected.

That is what I understood as well.
But afaik the Wlan has to be connected as failover, it just isn’t actually used until the Lan dies.

All of your Wlan IP addresses are also present your Lan section, while both use the same dhcp server and the same subnet.

Hi Peter, if I connect my Laptop to the Wlan it shows up in the Wlan-section of the router with IP
If I connect it also by cable it disapears from the Wlan-section. and shows up in the Llan section with IP
Homey shows different behavior. If connected to the Wlan iit shows up in the Wlan-section with IP
If also connected with cable it shows up in the Wlan-section with IP and in the Lan-section with IP and also with IP
I think that can’t be ok.

They work a bit different:

Homey keeps the wifi connection alive as ‘failover’, but it isn’t used as long as there’s a working LAN connection.
So, it only is ‘active’, hence there are IP’s for the wifi AND LAN in your router.

Your laptop disconnects from wifi right after the LAN connection is established. → the wifi IP disappears from your router.

I hope this is making sense?

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Ok, I get this.
Thank you.

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