I have several Fibaro motion sensors and the way they display their battery percentage is not really user friendly. Sometimes at 55% they stop working. So, to know they have stopped working I have created this flow, which I thought should work.
Today I saw one motion sensor being offline, already for 19 days. So, apparently the flow doesn’t work. Am I missing something?
Just to be clear; all my motion sensors have the name ‘bewegingssensor’ in it and testing the flow with a made up name works perfectly.
That trigger will only work for devices that reach the 1-day “not reported” limit while the flow is active. If you just created the flow and you have devices that have not reported for longer than 1 day, it will not trigger for those.
I can try that, yes. Just to test it out, since that would mean that any device that doesn’t respond for one day (also the ones that aren’t supposed to) triggers a notification.
I can’t find out what’s the trigger of that “device hasn’t reported in x hrs” card.
I got notifications about sensors which were active every x hours, while they should’ve been quiet for the last 24h…
This flow might be interesting, it shows sensor devices (pir/temperature/contact), which didn’t send any update for 24h, and the other ones with a timestamp (if wanted with date & time).
The script used was made by Robert Klep.
I know this is an old thread, but rather than starting a new I’ll ask for help in this one.
I have a flow (that works fine) with the “A device hasn’t reported in XX minutes”-card to restart Homey when the 433 Mhz sensor protocol has frozen (which it does several times a day for me). The device I have chosen is a light sensor.
Since the light sensor is inactive during nights I have had to set a time period card to avoid restart loop when it’s dark. Due to this I would like to change the sensor to my weather stations wind direction instead, which almost always changes even if it’s really still.
I have tried to change the sensor in the Logic card, but it does not work for some reason. Can someone help me with this?
To test with the wind direction sensor I duplicated the original (working) flow, deleted the time card and changed the sensor in the logic card. I can’t understand why it’s not working. The light sensor uses the Alecto protocol and the weather station uses the Oregon protocol, but I can’t imagine that that is the issue.
The Name token you are trying to compare to will be the name of the device that hasn’t responded in xx minutes.
But looks like you are trying to compare it to a capability, which isn’t part of the device’s name usually.
(assuming the logic variables’ value you are using as comparison is the same as the name of the variable, and not a device’s name).
Perhaps it worked for your light sensor, cause you have that in the name?
and you probably don’t have the capability “wind angle” as part of your weather sensor device’s name.
Might be better to test by typing out the name of the device, instead of using a logic variable.
I feel that I don’t understand everything you are saying so I’ll skip to your suggestion:
So I should not use the “Name” tag in the Logic card, but rather type the name I gave the sensor? I have named the sensor “Vind” (Swedish), so you think that that is what I should use instead? I’ll give that a try of course. Might it be that the reason the “Ljussensor” works with the “Name” tag is that the variable is the same name as the sensor (confusing me), which is not the case with the Wind angle.
One issue I see with using the name of the wind sensor is that is a three value sensor: Wind angle, Gust strength and Wind strength. Will the “Device hasn’t reported”-card see the gust strength as not reported if it’s dead calm outside for the set time period?
No, the “hasn’t reported in … minutes” card triggers if none of the devices capabilities haven’t reported in the set time, not specific on a single capability.
And contains only a tag with the name of that device, and a tag with the zone of that device, not which capability hasn’t reported.
So you need to validate with the contains card (AND) if the device triggering that card has the name you want.
See this example in what i mean wkth typing out the name of the affected device:
OK, good to know and I think I understand. When the 433 MHz sensor protocol freezes all 433 MHz sensors are flatlining in Insights. I just need to have a sensor that updates frequently 24/7 as a trigger for the flow, hence the wind direction.
I renamed the weather sensor to “Wind” instead of “Vind” since that word is the same as “attic” in Swedish. (I have a temp/hygro sensor in the attic named “Vind” so I imagine that the Logic name tag would include that one if I use “Vind”.)
This is still in testing, so I used a notification “Then” card instead of a Homey restart card. Now I just have to wait for the 433 MHz sensor protocol to freeze again to see if it works. I’ll report back!
So, I think that @Caseda’s suggestion works perfectly! With the sensor name “Wind” instead of the tag I got five notifications during the night. Checking Insights I saw this:
All the notifications came during the period between 03:40 and 05:40, so the trigger works precisely as I want!
However…this is still not ideal. I can see that other sensors did not flatline during this period…so the 433 MHz sensor protocol was not frozen and a restart of Homey not necessary. So my next test will be this:
The TFS03 is my outdoor temp/humidity sensor. So my thought is that if the wind is dead calm (and no changes in wind angle is reported as last night) hopefully the outdoor temperature and/or humidity will change during the 5 minute period I have set now. That is just for testing…if it works I will extend the timer to 30 minutes.
This is really a waiting game since my issues with the freezing 433 MHs sensor protocol is so random. It can happen several times a day and it can be fine for over 24 hours.
This won’t work, as both devices will never trigger this card at the same time.
Looking at 2 devices for this is a lot more difficult.
You’ll have to work with 2 yes/no variables and set the corresponding variable to True if 1 of said device triggers the card, and if that is true and the other device triggers the trigger card (again), do whatever you want (restart Homey).
Set to True (Yes/Ja) when device 1 failed, but 2 hasn’t yet, if device 2 also had, set into timeline
ViceVersa for the other device
Then back to False for said device when any capability changes
But probably easier to enlarge the time the devices hasn’t reported.
Or use a HomeyScript that is already floating on the forum that does the “hard” work.
Why will they not trigger the card at the same time? My problem is that the 433 MHz sensor protocol freezes, which will flatline all sensors at the exact same time (in Insight).
The reason I don’t want the enlarge the time is that if the freeze happens when the light conditions are corresponding to when I want the lights to turn on I don’t want ta wait to long for the Homey restart.
most real reason: That is how flows are working in the back end, also why 2 trigger cards can never be connected to an ALL card.
The last time after a device received its last value is the reason for that card to activate, which can be several (milli) seconds or even minutes apart, in insights it might look the same, but it definitely won’t be the same.
Edited my previous post with an example (Sorry for the Dutch language)