Heimdall support for Fibaro Smart Implant Input Alarms

I use the Fibaro Smart Implant to open my gates and garage door. Connected to the Input of each device is a magnetic reed switch which sets an alarm when the gates or garage door is opened.

Is there any way to have these alarms monitored by #heimdall ? When creating flows you can see input 1 and input 2 on the device and take action when these inputs are either opened or closed.

Hi @Peter_Bittner,

Should be possible when you link it to a Virtual Device, please see the FAQ

Thanks. Have read the material and gave it a go. The device is visible to Heimdall but I can’t seem to set it’s value.

I have set up the virtual device as a sensor/contact alarm.

I then set up a flow as per below. Where have I gone wrong?

Please follow the instructions to the letter. You need to set the capability (alarm_contact or alarm_motion) to false or true.

Ok, thanks for continuing to help.

I have re read the instructions but when I create the VD I don’t see how to set a capability. I cannot see a tag called “alarm_motion”. I only see a tag called “Motion alarm” in red.


| DaneedeKruyff
July 15 |

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Please follow the instructions to the letter. You need to set the capability (alarm_contact or alarm_motion) to false or true.

You have to set the alarm_contact (or alarm_motion) to either false or true in a flow. All relevant screenshots are in the previously mentioned post.