Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

I think they forgot. It can’t be by design. If you have a cool text to speech. It integrates better than any other solution. And then you throw that away while using hardware that has an audio out by default…
But USB C should be able to have an audio out.

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Let’s not get into a discussion on this matter in this topic please.


You could play messages from Homey timeline to Sonos.
I do this, and check where the message is coming from to determine if I want it played or not. For example the origin tag that is equivalent for ‘Sikkerhet’ in Norwegian (security I would guess in English).
Not perfect but something.
For custom messages i post to the timeline, that I only want on the timeline and not broadcasted, I add the string ‘(silent)’ to it and check for that in the ‘and- card’.
If message contains ‘(silent)’, do not play.

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I can’t find this flow starter and i can’t find away around it! Am i just stupid?
Some things makes me feel so dumb

Hi Ludvig,

Welcome here, but in order to be able to help you I’d like to know what you want to achieve, what do you want to make happen?

I just want a flow to start and react when the surveillance mode is changed to a certain mode. For example when the surveillance mode is changed to armed it reacts to that but not when I change to partially armed or disarmed.
like this.

Like this:

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Thanks a lot!
Sometimes I really questioning my brain capacity

Hey DaneedeKruyff

First of all, thanks for making Heimdall and really appreciate reading your support and input in the above posts. It already helped quite a lot.

I need that last 2% to complete a very cool flow for my Heimdall. I am interested in the following flow:

Activate the alarm => IF there are any windows/doors open that is NOT the main door => Start countdown followed by arming. IF a window/door other than main door is open, I want the flow to cancel and prevent the system from arming and say in the speakers which room/zone to check.

The only way i can think of this working is with a flow like below. In reality, it actually works as intended. The only downside is it takes 30 seconds (the delay set in Heimdall) for the system to finish countdown and arming, and only then to disarm and activate the speaker. In that time, i would have left the building.

How can i skip the 30 sec countdown and prevent the arming and start speaking in sonos right away?

Below timeline shows one of my windows that was open preventing the system to arm.

Also - Is there a more robust way to indicate the specific sensor (main door) instead of writing this out? Can i create a variable or a tag or so?

Is there a way to make them communicate without having to actively open/close all 30 sensors in my home every day :sweat_smile:

Did you configure Perform check before Arming Delay in de pre-arming check settings?

That should take care of the 30 seconds.

Also, do you have a specific need for the Surveillance mode is Armed condition, I’d remove that if I were you.

And for battery operated sensors there’s no specific way to make them communicate daily with Homey if the device manufacturer didn’t include a function for it.
So, think of it this way, I saved you a trip to the Gym, just ga around your house and trigger all sensors :smiley: You’re welcome :joy: :rofl:

Yes, i configured like below.

Normally, if all doors are closed the keypad beeps with red-flash for 20 seconds. If a window is open, I get a very quick red-beep, then a green-beep, then back to red-beeping for 20 seconds. The system is disarmed and speaker is activated immediately as the open door is identified, but the arming beep continues for 20 sec. Any ideas of how to cancel the beeping? I have the Frient Intelligent Keypad.

Yes, I have a card that specifically does this for ARMED mode (see image in previous post), as I still want to be able to delay closing windows/doors with PARTIALLY ARMED mode or even sleep with the window open. Any specific reasons you want me to remove that card?

I have 30 Aqara window sensors - so thats quite a trip every day. If I don’t open and close the windows daily, what impact will this have on Heimdall? If they are logged as not reported, are they then excluded from the alarm system? Or is it simply just nice to know?

This indicates to me that the Keypad doesn’t handle the switch to disarmed in the right way, the arming isn’t cancelled. I’m afraid that’s not something I can fix from this app.

That’s valid, I see many flows where people add redundant cards that may interfere with what they want to achieve, that’s why I asked.

There’s no impact on Heimdall whatsoever. It’s just a warning for the user, they will not be excluded.

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Hi @DaneedeKruyff
first of all thanks for the brilliant Heimdall app, which I am using extensively! :+1:

I, however have questions regarding the pre-arming check:

Does “Check motion sensor(s)” and “Check door/window sensor(s)” check all sensors of these types or only those activated in Heimdall´s device settings list?

Hi Pete,

Everything is explained in the first post of this topic and the FAQ

Hi @DaneedeKruyff ,


I infer, that only sensors should be reported, that have a surveillance mode set.

Recently, however, Heimdall reported a sensor, that I had revoved from surveillance some time before. This reporting was done through the when-card “Sensor active at Status Check”.
The card “Sensor active at arming” on the contrary had, never reported any sensor without set surveillance mode.
That made me question, if “Sensor active at Status Check” maybe reports all sensors while “Sensor active at arming” does that only for those with a surveillance mode set.
Could this be the case?

Hi Pete,

Yes, the Sensor active at arming card will only be triggered after setting a Surveillance Mode and will only check the sensors in the particular Surveillance Mode you’re switching to.

The Sensor active at Status Check will only be triggered after you used the Check Status of all sensors

Btw. if you use the web client, add a flowcard and hover over the I you’ll get a description of what the card does…Same goes for the app in the App Store.

Hi Danee,
thanks for you reply.
I think it would be great to have a tag on the Sensor active at Status Check card, that indicates if the sensor that triggered the event is part of the surveilance. One might be more interested in such sensors and maybe take some specific actions like extending the activation delay etc…
Could this come with a future update? :wink:

Hi Pete,

I don’t really feel like spending time on adding tags to the flow card, I consider it an edge case when using the Sensor active at Status Check to configure Heimdall. I think this is something you’ll do once or twice and the desired result can also be achieved wit already available functionality. I suggest you use the Pre-Arming check, once for the Partially Armed and once for Armed state, this will provide you with the same information. Also, It doesn’t matter for Heimdall if a sensor is in open or motion detected state when arming.

Hallo Danee

I noticed that the following entry is always generated twice in the timeline:
„Überwachungsmodus auf Entsichert gestellt“
=> Monitoring mode set to Unsecured

What could be the cause?