Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

Does anyone have a solution?


@DaneedeKruyff: is there a possibility that you make an update of the Heimdall app in which you create “then” cards with which you can send a certain value to the delay times?
I see that there is an “if” card “tijd tot ingeschakeld wijzigt” that, when used, produces the variable “seconden tot arm”. Could this variable be made available for the Logic card “zet numerieke variabele naar nummer”?

I consider this a bit of an edge case and currently not considering adding this to the app, there’s already a method of using a more advanced usage of the Arming Modes available.
For some users the app is already more complicated then needed so I don’t want to add extra flow cards or settings.

In your case I’d suggest to use Partially Armed for arming based on location and Armed when using the keypad and use the Arming Delay only when setting to Armed mode. Or vice versa, that’s up to you.
If you still want a distinction between the Arming Modes for other uses you can basically create a third (and fourth, fifth etc kinda virtual) Arming Mode by using either mode and add/remove devices through flow cards dynamically to it based on your needs.

Who can explain to me what I’m doing wrong? I’ve created a flow to activate the alarm, and it works fine. However, I can’t turn off the alarm once it’s been triggered. I downloaded the alarm button, but it doesn’t do anything. Changing the mode to “disabled” also doesn’t stop the alarm notification.

Hi Ben,

Please read and follow the instructions in the opening post of this topic, all basic functionality is explained there. When the basics are clear, return to the post to get started with some more advanced functionality.

What I do think you’re not yet familiar with is the distinction between the Surveillance Modes and the Alarm State.

I’ve read the description four times already.

I must be misunderstanding something since I just can’t turn off the alarm signal.

I just had to listen to an alarm sound for 10 minutes because I couldn’t turn it off.

Can you show a screenshot of the flow you created for the action when the alarm is triggered, like explained here: Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

Can you show a screenshot of the flow you created for the action to take when you want to cancel your alarm actions, like explained here: Heimdall - Let Homey watch over your home

I see you start playing sounds on your Sonos when the alarm becomes active, but I see no flow to stop playing on Sonos.

You will have to create a flow with the tigger The alarm is deactivated. That card gets triggered when you deactivate the Alarm State.

I see some redundant flows, for example; your Inschakelen toezichtmode are not needed and will cause continuous loops and thus unnecessary system load.

Also, the first flow under Alarm uit is redundant, and is basically does nothing without the before mentioned flow you need to create.

Thank you for your response. I’ve made some adjustments. Did I do it correctly this time? Thanks in advance!

Yes, partly. You will still need to create a flow with actions to take when the Alarm State is disabled.
You have a flow with the button that will set the Alarm State in Heimdall to disabled, but that in itself will (can) never cancel or stop the actions you’ve started in the flow with the trigger card The alarm is activated (Het alarm is geactiveerd) so you will have to add a flow that starts with the The alarm is deactivated (Het alarm is gedeactiveerd)

Thank you very much. It took a while, but I finally understand how it works.

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No problem, you’re welcome!

I just updated the latest firmware and, oh surprise, all my cards with surveillance mode activated were grayed out and non-existent, including those with partially activated surveillance mode. What a mess! I had to rethink and rebuild all my flows that were broken.

Of course, I realized that this issue was caused by the firmware update when I came across this post. It’s not clearly stated in the firmware changelog for Homey that it would modify the Heimdall cards. That’s not cool on their part. They should have added a note like, “Attention: review Heimdall cards.”

If they start doing this with all the other apps, it’s going to be complete chaos.

@DaneedeKruyff something like this? Coming from Smartthings this is something I miss on Homey. Be able to see and set the alarm state. Also be able to see if there is an active alarm, dismiss etc, all in one place with a nice overview

If coming from Homey 2019 to 2023, what is the best or easiest way to still have the voice messages working?
If I connect for example Sonos speakers, do I need to create custom flows, or is there a setting in the app to automatically use selected speakers?


Athom did not just remove the speaker, they completely removed the speech abilities, so I had to adapt Heimdall to this and had to disable all flow cards related to speech.
So, basically it is not possible to use speech with Heimdall on Homey Pro 2023 as it is.

Hi @provanguard en @DaneedeKruyff

I had to rewrite all of my flow’s where speech was Integrated.
I used Google text to speech to play all the messages and the alarm sounds to my Google speakers, it was a lot of work to get everything right again.

Good luck and best regards Peter.

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That is such a huge loss. Athom really messed this up. I hope that next Homey Pro will bring a speaker back.

Use your old Homey 2019 with Homesh
Homesh Satellite App voor Homey | Homey van @Arie_J_Godschalk

Als handy for zigbee workarrounds.

This is exactly what I’m waiting for. The introduction of wired Ethernet made me enthusiastic, the loss of the custom options for the LED ring was a thing that is solved now by the Dashboard functionality. But loss of the sounds & voice functionality is a showstopper for me. I can imagine that people are searching for work-arounds and the satellite app brings this on a temporary base (the 2019 version won’t be forever). I also hope Athom will re-introduce speech and sound in their next Homey.

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