Has anyone successfully paired Nanoleaf Skylight?

Tried to pair the Nanoleaf Skylight to Homey Pro 2023 but the directions do not lead to success. Any hints? BTW it does see the device at the start of install, but then fails the rest of the steps. I have tried with the Skylight installed already in the Nanoleaf App/Homekit and without.

What’s the developer view on this?

(:point_down: leads to Athom support…)

before I bug support I thought I’d see if anyone has had success.

btw, here is what Homey recommends when you click the link you circled. Notice the last sentence.

We’re happy to help.

Please provide as much detail as possible. This will help us to answer you faster and better.

Expected response time: 1-2 weeks

We’re sorry for the delayed support due to high demand.

Ask the Homey Community

Our awesome community might be able to answer your question on the Homey Community Forum.

I guess you have installed the latest Nanoleaf App version 3.1.0?

First of all, this is an automated response that is sent with every support contact, regardless of the problem. And “Might be able” doesn’t mean “is able”.
If there are problems with the pairing process or some functions of an app/device, then in most cases only the app developer and/or Athom can solve such problems.

Hehehe, that’s just the big Athom money saver :grin:

LOL, you are likely right,

in any case, seems either I’m the only one with these skylights on this forum, or no one has seen my post:) Time to ask support.

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I was able to get the Skylight to pair. The Homey installer instructions do not work. However, in the Nanoleaf iOS app, go to settings for your skylight. There is a Connect to API option. Then follow the pairing in the Nanoleaf Homey installer and click through the turn of the switch step (do not turn off and on the power, just leave the power to the light on). Then “Enable the API”. And continue to follow the Homey Nanoleaf installer. The Skylight will then show up in Homey!


Had the same issue. This worked. Thanks Mark!

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You’re welcome Shane

Thank you guys. It works perfectly even with the android app where you can activate API. Best regards

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Thank you for this, don’t know why they just don’t put your steps in the app

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Because someone has to inform Athom support about this.
This officially is a user only forum. Don’t expect Athom reading each and every post. Thanks.

I seem to recall sending the info over, but just in case I’ll drop support the note.

Thanks for sharing. This worked like a charm!

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