Greenwave Systems v.2.0 removed power capabilities

Thx! I’ll give it a go!

Anyone found a solution for the power consumption value?
I can’t install the old app, it says incompatible App SDK version…

Just a small variation on the above…

Using the normal/default Greenwave app, but using a flow every ten minutes to send the raw Z-Wave command “0x32, 0x01, 0x10” to my node appears trigger power meter reports fairly reliably.

For reference, in my Advanced Settings, I have Power change for update set to 80 and Keep alive time set to 255.

Hello everyone,

Can someone point me in the right direction how to make a complete flow,
how to send the zwave commands every 10 minutes to my greenwave plug ?

Kind regards, Patrick.

(Doesn’t work for me on a 6-socket device.)
Only the first socket reports power, also without this flow.

Forget the AND part, was for testing purpose.

Hallo Jan,

Ik mis de “Zwave app”
kan die ook niet toevoegen.
weet jij nog waar die vandaan kwam ?

Gr. Patrick

This is an English topic, please respect that.

There is no separate Z-Wave App, Z-Wave is included in Homey as a base for generic devices, you need the specific brance app, like Greenwave or Fibaro a.s.o.

Sorry, my fault.

I do not have the opticon to send commands.


It is a Z-Wave command for a Greenwave powerplug, not for a TV.
Do you have a Greenwave powerplug?
If so: Press “nieuw kaartje” in the “dan” section of your flow, next press “z-wave”, there you see “stuur ruw commando” card.
The Node number can be found in in the section z-wave.

Hello Jan,

The above options are the only ones ubder the powerplug from greenwave under “nieuw kaartje” on all 3 of my plugs.


Create new flow, go to ‘Then’ section, choose ‘new card’, choose Z-wave, select ‘sent raw command’.

Hello Jeroen,

I do not have the possibility to choose Zwave.

Gr. Patrick

Yes, so you keep telling us, but you have failed to mention whether you have looked in the ‘then’ section.

Sorry Jeroen,

You’re correct, it is the “then” option

“if” optuon

“and” option

Any ideas?

You still don’t show the “Then” card ( “Dan” kaart ), as I told you before,
when you are in the “DAN” section, press “nieuw kaartje”, then you get this page:

Choose z-wave…

Do you have a Homey Bridge or Homey Pro, as only Homey Pro has a generic “Z-Wave” system/device option like they are showing here.

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Hee caseda,
It is a homey pro

then you will have the flow card in the THEN/DAN column, in the exact same place as I have, at the bottom of “System” cards:

You probably have not set Power User to ON ( Settings ==> Experiments ==> Power User )

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Hmm, never thought of that being a power user feature :thinking:, thought it was always available.

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