When I sync my homey pro to my google home account it just throws all the stuff from homey down in the bottom in one big mess.
I already have rooms set op in my google home with a lot of devices, but when I sync Homey it dos not care about anything, I now have a load of double devices and it just dos not seem to be any good.
I have also tried to setup a new home, because I had seen on Homey´s own video that when they connect it to homey then it put everything in to rooms in google home, and it all looks nice, but when I do the same it all just comes in as one big mess.
Hope someone knows what I´am doing wrong here ore is it just another marketing trick from Homey.
I also had double devices in Google Home because I installed my HUE lights into my Homey by the HUE app and did also install the HUE app in my Google Home. After sync I ended up with twice the amount of lights. Maybe you have a simular situation?
I removed my HUE app in the Google home app and all the double lights were gone. But because the lights are still installed in Homey, Google sees them anyway. Worked for me fine! Give it a try.
That is by design isn’t it? They are native Google devices, so Google Home shows them by default. Then you add them to your Homey as devices and sync all your Homey devices to Google. Voila. double devices. Just as to be expected.
So, either you delete them from Google (don’t think that is possible, but maybe it is) and only sync them via your Homey account or you delete them from Homey and only show them as native Google devices.
Because that is what @WimS did. He disconnected (and thus stopping syncing) his HUE account from Google and only synced them via his Homey account where he added the lights via the Athom HUE app.
Another option is to either on Google or on Homey put them in another (dummy) room or house so they don’t show up both in the same house/room.
Is there already a solution for this? Would be nice if you can choose which device you want to sync with Google home and which not. I can remove all my accounts from google home, but my Google devices will be double. Prefer not to add them to a dummy house, filtering would be much nicer.
Filtering would be nice, a dummy house is a clever work-around (if it works and has no negative side effects). (How) have you solved it? Did you contact Athom?