Google Assistant / Google Home

How can I create voice commands in Homey for Google Assistant ?

Thanks for your support.

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What do you want to archive? Starting a flow? Switching on a lamp? You have to be a bit more specific.

I would like to start flows with a voice command and I would like to create devices (Maby virtual devices) which I can control with voice command.

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Look into google Routines for this. Make your own routine and in that routine use the (virtual) device(s). This will need google home and homey being coupled and all (virtual) devices synchronized(after coupling google/homey give the “Ok Google synchronize my devices” command).

Take a look at this video:

In short you do this:
Make sure your Google assistant is set up correctly with Homey (video).
On Homey:
Mark the flow you want to invoke as a favorite.
To Google assistant, say:
-“Ok Google, synch my new devices”
In Google Home app, do:
(The video is for the old app UI. In the new version, select “Automations” and do:)
Starters: Insert the phrase you want Google to react to, like “play music in the loft”
Actions: Adjust Home Devices > Add scenes > {select imported favorite Homey flow}
That should be it! :grinning::+1: