Get text forecast from www html page and read via TTS

Hi everyone. Pls how i can find any text in html page and save as variable for next use, like read over TTS and other. I want read weather automatic every day in my language (CZECH) i find any solution.
web, where is this info update is

in source code under (today and tomorrow)

<xxx =“actual-forecast”>
Od rána do jedné a od osmé do večera je to na zimní bundu (-2 až 6°C). Od 14 do 19 na lehkou bundu (4-7°C). Pršet ani sněžit nebude.

                <span class="actual-forecast-day2">
                    Dopoledne je to na zimní bundu (0-5°C). Pak až do večera na lehkou bundu (4-10°C). Pršet ani sněžit nebude.

is any idea. Thx