Any suggestions how I can extract a price from a website?
Currently I’m trying to figure out how I could access the “Einspeisetarif” (feed-in tariff) for the aWattar Sunny tariff from this site: SUNNY - Ihr Solarstrom für Österreich!
It’s the “8,291 Cent/kWh”.
I thought I could just make a HTTP GET request and pass the result to Homey Script, where I could extract it with some string manipulation (regex preferable, but indexof/substring would also suffice). But it seems that no string functions are accessible in Homey Script. Am I mistaken?
Any other ideas or hints what I could try? Thanks in advance!
const res = await fetch("");
if (!res.ok) {
throw new Error(res.statusText);
// Get the body JSON
const results = await res.json();
//console.log("RESULTS=", results,"\n ----------------" );
console.log("Data marketprice =",[0].marketprice, results. Data[0].unit);
return (true );
This is what you are looking for?
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That gets the market data that is used for the Hourly tariff, but not the price for the Sunny feed-in tariff.
The first can be retrieved via the Power by the Hour app, but I don’t have a solution for the second. As far as I know, there is no API available for the feed-in tariff.
Sory, think I didn’t read very well…
String functions are available, its plane JavaScript.
Thanks, I got it working now.
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Great it’s working, did you extract it from the html page?
Yes, directly from the website. Just extract the first “xx,xxx Cent/kWh” I find in the body. I asked them if they could make they price available through their API, but haven’t got an answer yet.
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