I want to sell my homey (in this case a cash-back action from a shop when I buy a Homey Pro), and want to do a full factory reset: disconnect all devices, remove flows, and disassociate the homey from my athom account, and remove it from my home wifi network.
So far, I’ve been able to do the first two, but not the last. When the homey is in recovery mode, it first ask for my wifi network, then asks if I want to keep my data or delete that, and finally ask if I already have an Athom account or want to create a new account. I want neither, I want no accounts on this Homey. Unfortunately, it won’t start deleting the user data until I connected it to my home network and filled in some user account details.
So I was able to delete all flows and devices, and the Homey even did a software update. That’s nice, but it still connects to my home network and is associated to my account.
I don’t want that.
How do I proceed removing it from my account and ensuring it will never connect to my wireless network again?