I have a house with multiple floors and when I open a window I want to to be notified after 600 seconds that the window is open and enough fresh air is in the room. I use window/door contact sensors to get the data.
Now tried a lot with the flows but I didn’t quite get it.
I’m curious if there is a way to catch all windows/door sensor alarms (so if alarm type is equal door alarm or similiar) and then start individual countdown timers for each opened window. Of course I don’t want to get notified when in the meantime someone has closed the window already.
Do I need an extra Flow for each window or is there a way to combine them? (I have a lot of windows and I would prefer a combined way)
Ok thanks, I need some time to test this, cause the countdown timer don’t work for me. I did some very simple stuff (when: timer has started, then: send notification) but that wasn’t fired at all. So I need an alternative app for countdown timers
No rocket science here. I also tried the beta of Countdown Timer App. Restarted homey, only the app and it didn’t work. Only thing left ist that I’m using a German special character in the devices name (ü).
Flow: Contact Alarm goes off; then: create timer with the device name
Flow: an Contact Alarm alarm turned off; then: stop time with the device name
Flow: timer finished; then: send notification with “door/window still open…”
I thought this was very lightweight and not too complicated but unfortunately I can only stop timers with a name and not with a variable. Is there a hack to put in variables even the app doesn’t provide it?
Found a solution which is working for me for now:
I have two general Flows:
Start Timer:
When: an alarm turned on ‘contact alarm’
Then: Start/Update a timer ventilation for 600 seconds
Timer Finished:
When: A timer has finished
And: contains “ventilation”
Then: Send notification " still open, close the damn window"
Now as this Timer app doesn’t support stopping Timers with a variable name, I need to setup a flow for each window I want to surveil.
Template for each window looks like this
When: Device Foo: The contact alarm turned off
Disable a Flow “Timer finished” // crappy workaround
Stop a timer: ventilationFoo
Enable a Flow " Timer finished // crappy workaround, as otherwise the Flow get triggered from the “Stop a Timer” Action (which is madness in my opinion)
I’ve created an issue for my problem, cause in a perfect world I would only need 3 Flows to cover the whole house.
By the way: I can recommend the Xiaomi Window/Door Sensors. Small, nice, and working perfectly for me.