Frequency of Netatmo signals for Homey flows

I have a Netatmo Weather Station (outdoor) and a Netatmo Indoor Air Quality Monitor plus Netatmo sensors at the windows in the basement.
What I would like to do is e.g. a push message being sent whenever the outdoor temperature is higher than the indoor temperature and the basement windows are open (as this would drive humidity in the basement).
I have created an advanced flow according to that logic using a card from the Netatmo app "When the Temperature from the Indoor Air Quality Monitor becomes lower than “temperature” (the variable taken from the Weather Station) and the windows are open, then send a message. but it fails to send messages. I’m wondering how often the “when” conditions are being triggered by Homey or whether I need to add regular time triggers (like “every hour”).

Any help welcome!

Probably whenever there’s a (significant) change.

But you need two triggers:

  • WHEN the indoor temperature changes
  • WHEN the outdoor temperature changes

If you only trigger on changes of the indoor temperature, and that doesn’t change but the outdoor temperature does, the flow won’t trigger.

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Or just change your flow to check every x minutes, that would resolve it as well

Just a quick example I made with my Temp sensors

Also, when using this example it’s smart to build in a timeout, otherwise, you get a push notification every 5 min, or add a check if someone is at home.

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I have used the “if condition” related to the Aircontrol sensor in the basement and compare it with the temperature variable that’s shown in the selection table under the outdoor weather station.

Okay, this is a different situation than you described, because the issue here most likely isn’t with the temperature but with the way you deal with the contact sensors: they have to be on right at the moment the Waschraum temperature drops below the threshold, and chances of that will be low.

You need to turn your flow around:

  • WHEN any of the contact alarms is turned on
  • AND inner temperature is lower than outer temperature
  • …

In general, I don’t see anything wrong with the flow.
The only thing I would possibly change would be to use the outdoor module as a trigger instead of the indoor module.
If the temperature in the “Waschküche” is relatively stable, then the flow is triggered very rarely. The outside temperature will change very regularly in comparison, so the flow would be triggered much more often.

This is an Insights chart with my 2 Netatmo devices:

(Red: Outdoor / Beige: Indoor)

Especially at night, the indoor temperature remains unchanged for up to 3 hours in some cases. During these 3 hours, the flow wouldn’t be triggered even though the outside temperature was constantly changing.
I know the Flow should trigger during the day and not at night, but my Netatmo indoor sensor is in the living room and not in a “Waschküche”. In a “Waschküche” the temperature may well remain unchanged for several hours, even during the day. But that depends on the type of house, the insulation of the house and so on.