Freedompro shutter

I have a freedompro shutter wlan and homey pro early 2023.
But no idea how to connect

Hi Thomas,

You can’t connect it, while there’s no app for it, you can search the app store yourself:

However, if the device can be paired using the mobile Tuya Smart app, or Smart Life app, you can use the Homey app Tuya Cloud to control it.

Hi Thomas,
I’m using HomeyScript to address directly the FREEDOMPRO API. I had a phone call last week with the support of Freedom and for the moment the is no application for Homey.

Use Freedompro Api to get the documentation. This page is interractive so you can fill in the Authorization field with your own key and then execute the quety to get response on all you UID (needed to address you devices) - see Freedompro Api

When you have the UID and Authorization for you installation, you can try the update stat accessory Freedompro Api and switch you devices directly from the web page. Then do the same from HomeyScript.


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Cool, Christophe!
Thanks for sharing.
Can you show an example of a Homeyscript to use?
While HS can be quite difficult for a part of the Homey users

Hello Peter,
Simple exemple on how to switch on a light. (In green the API key and UID so that not everybody try to play with the light of my kitchen :wink:

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