Flow Timer -> uitschakel sequentie bij piekverbruik


Omdat wij sinds kort meer moeten betalen bij piek verbruiken (Kwartier verbruik) heb ik een flow opgezet om dit toch grotendeels op te vangen. Op dit moment heb ik een beperkt aantal toestellen die uitschakelen. Toestellen die niet echt belemmerend zijn voor dagelijks huishoudelijke taken. Echter ondervind ik dat als wij smorgens de wasmachine aan zetten deze na enkele minuten toch uit geschakeld word. Volgens de geschiedenis zie ik dat dit gebeurd door deze flow, echter heb ik van de flow zelf geen meldingen gehad (zoals toch ingesteld) en blijven de andere toestellen wel aan staan ? iemand een idee of dit een Bug is of dat ik eventueel iets foutief heb ingesteld? (het gaat specifiek over de device: Wall plug versterker-Basement)

Flow geschiedenis; wall plug word uitgeschakeld en de “betta pomp” niet. Er was ook geen piek die lang genoeg duurde of zelf boven de 2500W was.

Check ook de Piggy Bank app eens

Verder vind ik de Push notifications niet 100% betrouwbaar, ik gebruik voor alle flows Papertrails logkaartjes. SimpleLog kan ook. Ik zet daarin de flownaam en het flow gedeelte van een advanced flow.
Bij iedere actie, ook timer start acties, zou ik logkaartjes toevoegen, zo kun je eenvoudiger terugvinden wat een flow nu wel of niet gedaan zou moeten hebben.

“Vroegñh” kon je in 1x een Papertrails logkaartje aan alle flows hangen, maar dat werkt al een poos niet meer. De app wordt wel ‘aangepakt’ voorzover mij bekend, en ik hoop dat die handige functie weer terugkomt.


Sorry about the English answer in this Dutch channel, but I was a bit surprised to see my app linked to from here and learn that you had to pay for peak power in the Nederlands too.

If there is anything that I can do to make the app more suitable for your country then please let me know. I haven’t really started targeting the app outside Norway yet but if it’s useful for your country I will do my best to adapt. Just let me know and I’ll see what I can do. New features are being added continuously

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Hej Frode,
Thanks for thinking along.
It’s not applicable in the Netherlands, but it is in Belgium.

Ah, ok, thanks. If you have a link to somewhere that explains how the pricing system is put together then I can probably add direct support for it and resolve any limitations my app probably currently have.

I think @Yov has that information for you.

Hello @frodeheg thank you for your reply and help! :slight_smile:
I wil search for more information about the peak power pricing but it is very new (as of 01/01/2023) and they are very vague with information, i know that everybody without digital energy monitor pays the min amount/monthly (2500kw peak) For people like me that hace digital energy monitors They measure the peak over 15min/average. (So that’s why I currently work with the count down Timers) it increments ea 500 or 1000kw.

Found a link here

I can’t get my head around it. :woozy_face:

Yes, lots of explanation, but pricing? nowhere to be found :sweat_smile:

About the peak use, I’m not sure what they mean.
You get extra charged when you use over 2500 Watts during 15 minutes (which is 625Wh)?
You get extra charged for the moments when you use over 2500 Watts, but not for more than 4 per hour?

I wil copy paste (google) translated information from this site (engie) here;

Your digital meter registers your consumption in kWh every 15 minutes. That’s 96 registrations in a 24-hour day. You don’t always load the net as hard during that quarter of an hour. Sometimes you tax it more, sometimes less. Lower peaks smooth out higher peaks. The average per quarter counts. That is the quarter-hour power expressed in kW (= your average quarter-hour registration in kWh multiplied by 4). This is your monthly peak for that month.

Good to know: A quarter-hour registration starts and ends at the same time as a real quarter hour in an hour.

From all quarter-hour registrations in a month, your digital meter automatically selects the quarter in which your consumption (in kWh) and therefore also your power (in kW) was highest. This is your monthly peak for that month. Suppose your average consumption, measured between 2:45 PM and 3 PM, was the highest in a month, then this is your monthly peak for that month. This example concerns a monthly peak of 6.105 kW. Do you have a digital meter and do you want to know how high your monthly peaks are, download the Smart app. Available from mid December.

Your monthly peak will differ from month to month. If your monthly peak in a certain month is lower than 2.5 kW (as in the example below in the month of May), it will be increased to the statutory minimum monthly peak of 2.5 kW. VREG thus ensures that all customers contribute equally.

Thank you. I found the pricing on that page too. I created a ticket for this here:

I will try to add something during the weekend. Adding the peak power limitation shouldn’t be too much of a problem and the calculation seemed to be pretty straight forward so I’ll see what I can do. :slight_smile:

The only thing that is a little bit worrying is that since it’s per quarter and not per hour it’s more susceptible to loss of data from the meter reader, which seems to be the case now and then at least from my experience. All the meter readers for Norway only give the W and not the kWh used since last hour. If you have access to the kWh used since last hour directly from the meter reader that will undoubtedly increase the accuracy of the controlling logic, so I hope you have access to that from your meter reader, do you?


I have a homewizard p1 connected, and also huawei solar invertor (both have homey apps) so i think i have this information

The Homewizard updates every second (for Dutch meters): the actual power usage in W, and the totals meters in kWh, and the actual Amps.


What is the update rate for the total usage kWh?

Usually, the W is updated every 10 seconds, but I have yet to see a meter reader that updates the total usage more often than once every hour.

Anyways, the W is already supported, so the thinking was more an idea to improve the accuracy in a future version.

The scary thing about the 15 minute tariff is that if you update the homey firmware then you will quickly get a full quarter without any control logic. I suppose the safest I can do is to just power off all devices whenever the app shuts down unexpectedly

I did a little test, the total usage updates at least every 10s / every 10Wh
Screenshot from 2023-02-02 02-23-03

Yes, I checked and can confirm that. Homewizard P1 dongle receives that value every second, but Homey (=Homewizard app) updates every 10 seconds.

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Thanks for the testing.
Not the best accuracy, but at least it gives room for improving the reliability :slight_smile:


Well, that’s the tricky part indeed.
Maybe, when users select Belgium as ‘tariff system’, you can show a warning of some kind, to disable auto updates for Homey firmware.
Power off devices without the user agreeing with it is a bit tricky. Maybe the user can select which devices should never be powered off in case of a crash.

Does the app receive any notification when Homey is about to start a firmware update?
Is there such a trigger available? So you can take some needed actions ?

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Good idea. It’s probably a good idea to disable auto updates of the app itself too so updates can be done under controlled circumstances, although that probably takes less than a minute normally.

The app already lets you select which devices should be controlled, so I think this is already covered.

I use this event: this.homey.on('unload', () => doAppShutdownStuff() );
Unfortunately the app only get 1 second to finish before it’s hard killed, so it may not be able to send any power off signals at all and especially not if the other apps controlling the devices was shutdown first