I think it would be great if you could add notes or a description to a flow.
I don’t have a huge amount of flows at the moment, 40 or so, however as some flows have become complicated it would great if I could store a note/description against them in order to remember details about the flow ie.
Big like!
I have some complex flows that took some fixing to get them working the right way.
But after some time I ask myself, why did I add that check??
Would be great to add notes to explain.
(Dinosaur X10 activehome already had it…j
Homey Flow Viewer is good, I thought about flow description or some kind of meta data tagging to each flow but searching through the the GUI for homey can be painfully slow.
Flow viewer makes it so much easier to search and identify.
I give this a bump.
The GitHub repository is archived, but I couldn’t find a note option anywhere.
Due to the Flow system, you get quite a lot of Flows. Compare this with the all in one blocks from Domoticz. I loose track of why this Flow is there and why I set certain things. It would be nice to at lease make some notes to each Flow.