I have an AQARA light sensor that I want to introduce into a flow, but in the flow cards that I can select, it only says “when the brightness becomes less than” or “when the brightness becomes greater than”. But with these flow cards, if the brightness does not change, the flow does not work. How can I make it so that when the brightness is less than a value or greater than a value? the flow works. category is created to show, and explain the working of specific Flows in homey.
You will probably be able to specify the exact brightness value (or greater than/less than) in an AND card. This would mean that you have to use a different trigger/WHEN card. For instance a time trigger (e.g. every minute as the WHEN card).
This is what I can select and there is no “greater than” or “less than” option. How can I fix this? I used to use the JEEDON HUB and there I had the option to put “greater than” or “less than”
If I change the brightness manually, when changing state it works.
As a trigger in When you use “The luminance changed”
In And you use a logic card, text/number (choose luminance) becomes less (or greater) than your value then trigger your actions action.
Your screenshot shows the WHEN cards. Most likely you’ll see different cards when you try to add an AND card.
If there is no AND card to specify the luminance value, then you also have the option to use a logic card to compare the luminance value tag of the sensor with the threshold you want.
EDIT: didn’t see JonasW’s above post, with the same answer.
Please could you show me an example that I could refer to
Of course. When nothing changes, nothing gets triggered?
Just use the flowcards you already showed
Enter the lower or upper value and it will trigger when the brightness becomes below or above that value.
Example for a brightness becoming above 250 lx trigger:
It works for me now, the flow in the logic section does show me the options “GREATER THAN” and “LESS THAN”.